"First Victims" {ErrorBerry} TW Suicide, Assault, Murder

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Error was calm as he paced back and forth in the anti-void. It was a normal day, with normal things, and normal people and everything was normal meaning everything was fine. But was it? Error turned and stared at it. A blueberry, dangling by a thread. What did that mean? He had released Blueberry months ago and hadn't heard from him since. His attraction towards him had been a surprise but he got over it. It was better to be attracted to him than that damn inky squid.

 He glanced back at the blueberry. It hadn't been there long, it looked fresh. So what in the world did it stand for? What did it mean? Did it represent something? Did Blueberry want to come back? Hang out with Error again? Error couldn't hide his excitement, but luckily, seeing as he was all alone as usual, he didn't need or have to. He quickly opened and portal and raced through it, smiling as he landed in the soft snow of UnderSwap. 

"Blue?" He called, running towards his house. "Hey, I got your message! I understood your puzzle!" Error was pleased because he had been the one who taught Blueberry how to make much more complicated puzzles in the first place. But the second he opened the door there was a sudden sense of  foreboding. "Blue?" He switched on the light and flinched. The whole house had blueberries dangling from strings or threads. Everywhere. He looked at the couch. Carrots was still sleeping. 

Error flinched as he heard a bang and a cry. There were several more thumps and more yelps of pain and almost instantly Error started calculating what could be happening. He wasn't the best thinker, he always did what he wanted and was easily overtaken by emotion. Something that damn Ink and Blueberry took advantage of. Carrots wasn't a heavy sleeper. So someone must've drugged him. There was no other explanation. 

Error peered into Carrots' drink and wasn't too surprised to see a semi-disintegrated pill at the bottom. He glanced at the kitchen counter and noticed an open box of sleeping pills. He glanced up. 'So what's he up to? Why'd he drug his own brother?' Error thought. It would be weird for Carrots to take a drink from some stranger in their own house so Error assumed, but didn't completely rule out, that no one burst in and forced him to drink it. 

Error climbed the stairs and walked slowly towards Blue's door. He decided against calling for him. He had to see what was happening. He carefully placed his hands on the doorknob and silently listened as Blue cried out and whispered for them to stop, whoever it was. Error burst open the door and instantly took in the scene. Blue was lying on the floor, bruised, bloody, and his shirt was gone, torn to shreds near him. Error knew how much that shirt meant to him, because he had been the one who made it with his strings, carefully knitting them together as he watched Blueberry spin in his threads, giggling to himself. 

He stared at the random monster. They were in the process of punching Blueberry, but had stopped when Error opened the door. Error stared at the scene. Then he noticed the knife. The monster smiled. "It's too late for him. I've killed him. Your evil won't affect us anymore!" The monster let out a hysterical laugh and Error instantly knew what had happened. Blueberry had gone around talking about Error and no doubt how he had kidnapped him and how they became friends. 

Everyone must've thought he was insane, or that he had been turned evil. This monster, who no doubt had some sort of mental illness, took it way to seriously and decided to take out Blueberry. "So, you think I won't kill you now that you've killed him?" The monster hesitated. "Y-you wouldn't! His brother will find us, he'll hurt you!" Error chuckled darkly. "You think I'm gonna kill you? Just wait till his brother wakes up. I'm saving you from hours of pain and torture by simply killing you now." 

Error summoned his strings, not listening to the babbles and pleas coming from the monster. He stared into the purplish black eyes of the cat-dog mixture monster and smiled. "Die." He said and watched with immense pleasure as his strings wrapped around its soul and instantly shattered it. The monster let out a scream, either of pain or terror, Error would never know. As the monster began to dust, Error turned to Blue and frowned. "Get up. Come on." 

Blue smiled. "That was bad, Error, you shouldn't have killed them." Error scowled. "He literally just stabbed you and attacked you." "I know." Blue smiled. "But it's too late for me. So there's no point in killing anymore." Error started to grit his teeth. "It's NOT too late." Error snapped. Blueberry stared at a spot above Error's head, his eyes getting bigger and glassier. "It is...." Error flinched when he noticed some more dust that wasn't from the other monster. 

"Blue...?" Blueberry smiled and looked up at Error. "I like you." He said. Error realized he was starting to glitch out. "I like you too." Error said, his voice glitching. Blueberry looked down. "But you don't like me." Blue said, a note of finality in his voice. "No, I do." Error murmured. Blue looked up. "Wait, you like me? I mean....like me?" He asked, his eyes turning to stars of pale blue glass. 

"Yeah." Error said, hating how he flushed from embarrassment as Blue was laying there, both bleeding out and dusting. "....I like you too. A lot." Blue said with a smile. Error watched as what was once Blue's legs now drifted around the room as dust, latching onto his and Blue's clothes. "Please, Blue, don't die." Error whispered, not looking Blue in the eye. Blue smiled even wider. "I can't stop myself from dying. I may be magnificent and great, but even I can't defeat death!" 

Blueberry said with mock indignation. Error looked up at Blue through watery eyes and blinked in shock as the tears poured from his eyes. Strings were made from them and he didn't stop them from wrapping around his own neck. Error watched as Blue continued to dust, until he was almost gone. "Please stay, Blue..." Error muttered. Blue frowned as tears poured down his face. "I want to stay. But I can't. I'm sorry, Error." 

Error looked at Blue's frowning face and said, laughing quietly, "Smile, Blue, it's not like you to frown." And then he yanked his strings as hard as possible. Blue hadn't noticed them curling around Error's broken and glitching soul. "E-Error wait-no-STOP-!" Blue cried but by then the dust had taken his mouth. Error stared at his now dusting hands and chuckled. 

"Why didn't I just kill myself before?" Error asked no one in particular, seeing as Blue was probably ten seconds from being gone forever. Error looked up at the dazzling blue eyes filled with tears. "I think I love you, Blue." Error said calmly, and he watched as Blue managed to nod as he disappeared completely, the last trace of his existence being the dust, his tears and his clothes. Error laid in Blueberry's dust, silently sobbing. 

He heard a loud ground and a grunt of surprise from downstairs. Any minute now Carrots would walk in and would be destroyed. He would want to know what happened. Error quickly grabbed a pen with his mouth, seeing as his hands were long gone, as were his legs, and he inched toward a piece of fallen blood covered paper. He used his mouth to scribble what had happened, knowing only Ink would probably be able to read it. Error realized he was nothing but a head now and grinned.

Ink would be amused, and he knew it. The great destroyer, spreader of hate, killed in the end by love itself. He chuckled as the door burst open and Carrots stared in horror at the room. "You!" He shouted as he saw Error. Error looked up at him. "Hi." He said. He didn't want that to be his last words though. So as everything turned gray around the edges of his already impaired vision, he asked, "Did you know Blueberry liked me?" And then the world faded to the empty nothingness Error once knew, years ago. When he had been Reaper's. How had he forgotten that? But then he was being held by a familiar blue friend and the memory faded away....


Muuuuuuurder! Yayaayayayayayayayayay! >^< Anyways let me just *d e a t h*

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