One day. {ErrorInk} TW Murder, Suicide, attempted r*pe

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Ink blinked. The light was so bright. Too bright. "Hello?" He called, though he knew no one would reply. He was confused. Which AU was this? He turned back and saw a familiar land mass. The mountain? Was he in Undertale? He looked down at the city and smiled. He must've fallen asleep here. He tried to remember but couldn't. Suddenly a portal opened. He hid quickly behind some nearby rocks. He peered over it. Error was talking to Nightmare. He tensed. 

"Seriously? Why do I have to watch them? They aren't fucking kids." Error snapped. Nightmare instantly sent a tentacle around Error's neck, threatening to snap it. Error sighed, rolling his eyes. "Nah, you wouldn't. You've already said you'd do this about 2,557 times now and I'm getting tired of it." Nightmare set down Error and glared. "If you're not home by 11, I'm snapping your neck for real." Error waved Nightmare off and sat down on the edge of the cliff. He stared into the rising sun and Ink flinched when he smiled. "This isn't so bad." He said to himself. 

Ink noticed him pull out a doll. It was him. "What do you think Ink?" Error's tone wasn't mocking or even angry in any way. He seemed happy. "I know we fight a lot but I mean...if Dust and Blue can be you...?" Error suddenly flushed and he glitched out, seemingly about to throw the Ink doll. Error stopped though and gently set it down in his lap. "How am I supposed to do this if I can't even say it to a doll? I'm such a failure." Error hung his head and Ink stared at the ground. His face was flushing. Why? Had he taken to much pink again? 

He suddenly realized that he hadn't taken any pink at all today. So what was happening? How was he feeling this? He looked up at Error who had lifted the doll. "I wonder...are you the perfect voodoo doll?" Error poked the lips on the doll and Ink flinched. Error's eyes was smoking, releasing magic as if he had been using his powers. "Only one way to find out." He gently hugged the doll and Ink felt warmth surround him. "Ink will no doubt come running if I start doing things only I'd do to his body." Error suddenly flushed and stared at the doll for a little longer. "...." 

He quickly brought the doll to his face and kissed it quickly, barely allowing Ink time to enjoy the kiss. "Mm-hah?" Ink gasped and tried to control himself but he found himself charging towards Error, his brush out. "E-Error!" Ink yelled, unable to tell how he felt, only that he wanted to hit him. He whacked Error with the brush, smiling when Error screamed. "What the FUCK?" Error snapped and he smashed the doll in his fists. Ink cried out as he felt his bones being crushed. "E-Er-Error!" Error made some sort of noise and dropped the doll. Ink groaned. "O-ow..." 

Error stared at the doll. "Hahahahahaha....I can win this fight for once!" Error shouted with joy. He scooped up the doll and began to poke and prod it. "H-hm-HAHAHAAHAA-!" Ink burst into laughter. "N-NOAHAHA!" Error suddenly felt a rush of boldness and kissed the doll gently, to Ink's surprise. "E-Error what-?" Error kissed it again and Ink couldn't help but shut his eyes tightly, as if Error was there in front of him. Error continued to aggressively kiss the doll, glancing up to look at Ink's shocked face. 

"Now you have to suffer! I don't have to kiss you, but technically I just did! I'll tell everyone and they'll think you're a good guy who likes criminals or something else pathetic like that!" Error didn't understand his reasoning, it didn't make sense but he had to give some sort of excuse for him kissing Ink. He kissed him again, but this time he felt a little bolder and he let his fingers wrap around the doll's waist, which thus wrapped around Ink's waist. "Wh-what?" 

Error started walking closer to Ink, but Ink lunged at him so he slammed the doll down on the ground. "A-Ack-!" Ink yelped as Error kissed him again, this time holding him down. Something in Error's eyes made Ink nervous. Error stood, releasing pressure on Ink's body, but still Ink laid there. Error was next to Ink when he pinned the doll again, this time kissing its neck. Ink trembled. "N-No, Error please stop-!" Error nipped the doll's neck, grinning when Ink let out a quiet gasp. "Error, Error no, Stop, I don't like this!" Error flinched. He looked over at Ink. 

Ink looked like he was enjoying it. Wasn't he? Error sighed and sat up. 'What the hell am I doing?' Error huffed and looked over at Ink. "It was just a joke, calm down." Ink gasped, unable to tell if he was scared or bursting with joy. "Error?" Error glanced over at Ink. "...what." Ink sat up, his eyes pink and blue. "Kiss me." Error flinched. "What?" Ink threw himself at Error, ignoring how Error instantly recoiled and kissed his mouth gently. Error flew backwards. 

"What-?" He asked again, but Ink forcibly kissed him again. Ink shoved Error down and kissed him under his chin, suddenly hungry for nothing else but Error's body. Error flinched. "Stop-Ink-I get it, is this because of what I just did-? Ink I said stop I'm sorry-!" Error gasped when Ink bit his neck, his hands running along his chest. "Ink seriously stop, I'm sorry-" Ink suddenly grabbed his broom and opened a portal sending them tumbling into the doodle sphere. 

"I-Ink Ser-seriously!" Error snapped, and he reached for the Ink doll. Ink quickly bit down on Error's neck watching as his eyes momentarily shifted out of focus, due to the pleasure he was experiencing. Ink smiled. "Error you know you-" Error tensed. "I'm not gonna let anyone touch me AGAIN!" He screamed, grabbing the Ink doll and clutching it tightly. Ink gasped for breath and grabbed his brush, slamming it against Error's skull. 

He never meant to hurt him. He didn't want to, all he wanted was for Error to feel good, to feel pleasure...and yet he kept slamming it against his skull, over and over, ignoring the sound of it cracking, ignoring Error's screams and shouts, he kept smashing smashing smashing, and then suddenly, all the screams and shouts stopped. Ink looked down. Error's skull had been partial smashed in. There was blood everywhere, and his eyes were full of glitches. "W-What? What did I-?" Ink noticed the dust almost instantly. He screamed out of terror. 

"No, no, no, no, Error, Error, I'm sorry, I-I didn't want to-y-you were scaring me! I thought you were gonna crush me again, it's not fun it hurts! Error please, please, I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry...." Error reached up and gently wrapped his fingers around Ink's wrist. "..rry..." He muttered. Ink felt tears well up in his eyes and he quickly kissed Error again. "No no it's not your fault I did this and I have to fix it I have to I have to!" Ink lifted Error but most of him stayed where it had been, now dust. 

"Error please, I love you...." Error smiled at that, causing Ink to feel even more guilt. "I knew you did." He said, the slight rasp in his voice gone. Ink raced through a portal, stoping in the Anti-Void. "Y-you can't die here, right? RIGHT?!" Ink screamed at Error, who was dozing off. "Mm..can..." He murmured. Ink began to bawl, unable to think of a plan. Who could he go to? Was this even fixable? Ink suddenly remembered Geno, who Error once was, and his story. 

"E-Error?" Error lazily looked up at Ink. "Hm...?" He mumbled. "Stay here, okay?" Error nodded before slowly falling asleep. Ink raced away, quickly opening a portal of ink to UnderSwap. "Blue!" Ink called, racing towards his house. "Blue? Blue! Blue where the hell are you?!" He snapped. No one replied. Ink screamed in frustration. He raced into the kitchen and grabbed a surprisingly warm taco off the counter. He raced out and back towards his portal, leaping in. He stumbled forward and stared. 

There was nothing but dust where Error had been. " it...can't be! Y-you were just here! Error! Error!" Ink began to call out to Error, knowing he couldn't reply. "Error please, please god, I can't live without you! I can't die, I can't I can't and I can't live without you please god Error come back!" Ink screamed, clutching the dust in his fingers. "Please..." he whispered. "Please please I finally...finally found someone like me, you can't leave me here..." Ink whispered, laying down, in the same spot Error had once been. 

His body may have been immortal, but stories say that his mind died that day. His spirit and soul, gone. To this day people tell tales of a skeleton who lays in dust, eyes empty and uncaring, lashing out at any who come near. Some say that his bones have deteriorated slowly, and that one day, he will be gone, for real. This is in the end a story, one no one can confirm. But ever since that day, artists have struggled to make AUs that are stable and last. Ever since xx-x-xx. The one who's dust he lay in, some say he will never reunite with. Maybe one day, the skeleton will rise again. One day. 

:D yaaaaaaay! I bet you're confused as to what I meant by suicide, huh? Well Ink chose to lay and die in the spot Error did, so he's sloooooowly committing suicide. That's it-

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