Partners {UnderFell} TW Suicide

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Sans smiled sickly. He looked down at his phone. "On the bright side, there's a pileup on 35, so, that buys us sometime. Y'know, in case we just wanna kill ourselves." He said, only half joking. They had really pissed off Asgore this time. Harboring a child? Harboring a soul? Ha! He was surprised they hadn't been killed or sought out sooner. Frisk was hiding near a box, perfectly out of sight. Papyrus was very focused on something, the gears in his mind turning and working out a solution to this deadly puzzle. 

He suddenly summoned a bright red sharp bone, and said without looking at Sans, "We have enough firepower. We also have the cliff to our backs, and the thorough understanding of the terrain." He looked over at Sans with a cold determination in his eyes. "We have survived worse." He walked over to Sans and aggressively shoved the bone at him, seemingly not caring if he cut him while he did. "Oof!" Sans grunted as the bone jabbed his ribcage. 

Papyrus leaned closely to Sans' face, leaving them mere inches apart. "If you waste a single one of our rounds on yourself, I will be very unhappy." He said coldly, his voice dripping with poison. Frisk looked at Sans from the box and nodded. Sans remembered what the kid had said. "Next time he pushes you around and hurts your feelings, tell him!"  Sans looked at the bone in his hand and up at Papyrus' back, which was walking away from him. "...why's it always gotta be about you?" He said, unable to hide the hurt in his tone. 

"What?" Papyrus said, turning slowly, looking at Sans with a menacing glare. "I said," Sans began, realizing that he no longer felt any love towards his brother. "Why's. It always. Gotta. be. About. You?" He lifted the bone up and smashed it into his skull flinching from the pain. Frisk cried out and ran towards him, but Sans lifted them up and pinned them to the wall. "It's always about you, it's always gotta be, "I'm unhappy, I'm upset, I will hurt you, I'll kill you!" WHAT ABOUT ME?!" 

Sans flinched, startled as he noticed a beautiful red liquid dripping from both his eyes and his skull. He looked up at Papyrus who was staring blankly at Sans. "Huh?! Is it cause you know how much I love you? How much I care about you? How I'd do anything, how I'd KILL ANYTHING, FOR YOU?!" Sans shouted, looking down at his now dusting feet. "Well guess what, Bro." Sans said, smiling sadly as he looked up at him. "I think I hate you now."

Papyrus stared down at Sans, who slowly fell to the ground. He was nothing but a head now. "I hate you." "Sans please-" "I hate you." He said again, slowly fading away. "Sans, I love you." Sans looked up, shock in his eyes. "You do?" "I do. I shouldn't have waited so long to tell you. Sans, I'm sorry." Papyrus suddenly wailed and grabbed Sans, pulling him closer to him. "I love you. I love you so much." Sans smiled. "I love you too." Papyrus stared dully at the dust that was once his brother. "I love you..." He mumbled. Frisk blinked away tears and hit the reset button. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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