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While else where...

Leo was silent as the kraang droids dragged him through their base. He figured it was stupid to try anything after he woke up being dragged out of a van, more tired than before. He looked at the walls and notices that most of the cells weren't built like humans usually make them, or how they even make them in the mystic city. The constant beeps and pig squeals were giving him a worse headache than he already had.

"Kraang senses what is labeled as a headache from the specimen that we the kraang had done the thing called captured a few earth hours ago." One of the men or kraang said that was dragging Leo. This caused Leo to groan, not even Donnie went into so much detail when he was in speech mode about his latest project. Leo then noticed they had stopped.

"Perhaps kraang should give the specimen earth medication before Kraang does the thing that is tests on the specimen." The other kraang or man said to the other kraang. Leo was trying to seem like he was lifeless as he tried to listen in on what they were saying, hoping it would be useful.

"Or we could put the specimen with the one know as Karai and see how long the specimen lives." The first kraang said, the two were quiet before looking at Leo's flailed form before looking at each other.

"Kraangs earth currency is on the one known as Karai." Said the second kraang before they went back to dragging Leo to another cell. Leo heard the key pad being pushed and the door opening shortly after. Once the door was slightly open, they put Leo on the floor and slid him into the cell and the closing the cell door the fastest they could. Once Leo knew they were gone, he tried to get up and look around. He notices scratch marks all over the walls and that the cell was warm, almost warm enough for a warm blooded animal. He looked around and noticed something on the floor, he reached for it and picked it up.

"Another viper scale." He whispered to himself as he laid the small object in his palm. He then reached into his pouch and pulled out the scale he found from before he got captured and compared it to the new one. Leo chuckled quietly as he saw they were pretty much identical. He set both scales in his pouch and got up so he could try and see if he could find the source of these scales.

"You sure like to collect the scales I leave behind." Someone said in the shadows, Leo looked around but he couldn't see anything. He reached for his swords which usually would be on his back if he hadn't thrown them to Raph moments ago. This caused him to curse under his breath as someone then landed in front of him. Before Leo could react, the person kicked him in the stomach and launched him to the cell door.

"GAH!" Leo yelped as he held his side and looked down it. He sighed in relief when he saw no blood so he assumed it was sore from being shot at from before. "Note to self..." Leo said as he tried standing up by using the door for help. "Don't go out on a mission with hardly any sleep or you get captured." Leo said, he looked over and saw the figure walking over to him.

"It's your fault were both stuck in here." The person growled once they stopped a few feet from Leo. This caused him to chuckle and toss his head back before looking at the figure the tired eyes.

"Your saying that like I don't know that." He said and then tried to walk away while limping a bit. The figure walked out of the shadows to reveal it was 2012 Karai in her human form but a confused look on her face as Leo leaned against a wall and slid down. Once he was on the floor, he just balled himself up and looked down at the ground with sad eyes.

"Your acting like a pretty pathetic leader compared how your Karai said you'd be." Karai said as she folded her arms across her chest with an unimpressed frown on her face. Leo's eyes shot open and he looked at Karai with a confused look mixed with anger.

"How do you know Gran Gram?" Leo asked as he looked at Karai. She didn't answer, causing him to be annoyed and he tried to stand up. "Tell me how you know her o-" he yelped when he stood on his bad foot which caused him to fall and gasp in pain as he tried grabbing it. Leo got into a kneeling position and looked at his foot while holding it. Karai pressed her limps into a think line as she debated on whether to help Leo and maybe he'd help her, or leave the idiot to his misery since Leo did get them stuck.

"Stupid ankle." Leo mumbled under his breath. He then tried reaching into one of his pouches only to yelp again from the pain in his foot and slam his back against a wall. Karai groaned while slouching a bit before walking over to the annoyed turtle

"Do you have any kind on bandage?" She asked him one she knelled next to Leo. Leo bit his lip, probably thinking if he should trust a random person that he had just meet and claimed to know his departed relative. "Listen, I'm the only person in here that will want to actually help you. The other bots that call themselves the Kraang, think your nothing more than a experiment." Karai said as she pointed to the door.

"I want to help you get back home, I have friends who are planning on coming here for me soon." Karai said as she rested her arm by her again, Leo looked his foot. "I can try to stall the Kraang from getting to you but only if you let me help you." Karai offered, she even help her hand out to him. Leo looked at the hand for a moment before sighing and opening one of his pouches and pulled out a roll of bandages. Karai grabbed them and carefully wrapped the ankle, grabbed a small but long piece of metal and used it to keep the foot still as it healed a bit.

"I have another bunch of friends that make sure your foot isn't broken, but it shouldn't from what I can tell." Karai said as she handed Leo the remaining bandages. Karai then walked over to the cell door and tried looking through the window and saw the lights in the hall had turned off, allowing her to sigh in relief. "Looks like the Kraang are resting, we should too-" She was interrupted by light snoring, causing her to look over at Leo and see he was asleep. This caused Karai to sigh and turn into her viper form. She quietly slithered over to Leo and wrapped herself around him before also sleeping.

I'm not shipping them together btw.

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