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2012 Leo and Rise!Leo kept praticing as promised, but the two knew they had to hurry back now. "Alright, I know a short cut to the lair. We can try doing this again if you want. I've found silence helps when training." 2012 Leo offered after noticing the time. Rise!Leo hummed as he leaned on a katana. "Well, I wouldn't be apposed to the idea. Some of my Ninpo has been taken so I won't be able to protect myself as much."

"Not to mention that the Kraang is still looking for you, probably to steal the rest of your Ninpo stuff." 2012 Leo pointed out, Rise!Leo nodded and hummed in agreement. The two put their weapons in their designated spots and began to run off to the shortcut, 2012 Leo in the lead. Rise!Leo sighed as he enjoyed the silence, it was comforting to know he could get away from his brothers now. "We're almost to the sewers!" 2012 Leo yelled as he jumped over an AC unit. Rise!Leo gave a thumbs up as he jumped over a random pipe. The two remained as quiet as they hoped, but 2012 Leo suddenly stopped and held up some signal and made Rise!Leo stop abruptly. 2012 Leo suddenly pulled out his katanas and looked, around in a battle stance. Rise!Leo mimicked him but looked around as to try and figure out why they suddenly stopped.

2012 Leo snapped his head in the direction of a noise, Rise!Leo suddenly looked over and saw some illuminating energy, his eyes went wide when he saw that it was a person. "MOVE!" Rise!Leo said as he grabbed 2012 Leo's shell and pulled out of the way as the illuminated person zoomed past them. The person crashed into a wall which caused an enormous cloud of dust to cover them. "What was that?" 2012 Leo asked as Rise!Leo looked at the dust carefully and held his finger to his mouth, 2012 Leo nodding as he took that as a signal to be quiet. They soon heard a hearty laughter as the person came walking out of the dust, Rise!Leo groaning when he saw it it was. "Hola Tortuga!" Ghostbear yelled as he emerged out of the dust cloud. He laughed a bit before looking at the two, then suddenly sighing in relief. "Thank the pizza suprema in the sky I didn't run into the red one." Ghostbear said, Rise!Leo rolled his eyes and smacked hi forehead. "Uh, I'm gonna need an explanation." 2012 Leo yelled, Rise!Leo sighed as Ghostbear stood infront of them with an evil grin. 

"Other me, this is Ghostbear. Ghostbear, this is another version of me that lives in this world." Rise!Leo said with annoyance. "Oh, ho, ho, ho." Ghostbear chuckled as he cracked his knuckles. "Those extraterrestres better make my payment bigger since I'm bring in the Tortuga they need." Ghostbear said as he squatted down, ready to attack the Leo's. But Rise!Leo didn't seem convince as he raised a brow. "Do I need to remind you, everytime I fight you, I always win?" Rise!Leo complained as he set his blades on his shoulders, 2012 Leo looked at his in confusion. "What are you doing?!" 2012 Leo whispered harshly as Ghostbear growled. "I am gonna-" As Ghostbear kept complaining, he didn't seem to notice that Rise!Leo leaned a little closer to 2012 Leo whilst he kept his gaze on the ex-wrestler.

"Ghostbear can turn himself into a phantom, hence his name. If I get him annoyed, he'll use his brute strength to try and hit us." Rise!Leo whispered quietly, Ghostbear now stomping on the ground as he kept up his tantrum. "Judging from the training I've seen you do, I have enough faith that you're faster than him." Rise!Leo pointed out as he stood up straight after hearing  Ghostbear yell at them for his attention. "¡Oye! ¡Escúchame cuando te hablo!" Ghostbear yelled in Spanish, confusing 2012 Leo a bit as Rise!Leo laughed a little. "Sorry, you're just so boring that I could take a siesta." Rise!Leo said smugly, surprising 2012 Leo as he didn't know Rise!Leo could speak and understand Spanish. Ghostbear growled and ran towards the two, causing Rise!Leo to smirk as he held his katanas up. "Let's show this chump our moves."

While with Rise!Mikey....

Unlike his brothers, Rise!Mikey was walking through the sewer in a calm manner. Even skipping a bit as he whistled a familiar tune. He eventually stopped skipping and hummed in realization as he saw he was at a central sewer part. Different sewers connecting to this large main one like the one Rise!Raph and 2012 Splinter were in a few days ago. Rise!Mikey looked around as  chill ran down his back. "This isn't creepy at all." Rise!Mikey said with a nervous laugh, his nun-chucks resting in there holster as he slowly walked across the room. He yelped when all doors leading into other sewers suddenly slammed shut. "Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh!" Rise!Mikey yelled in fear as he grabbed his nun-chucks and held them in his shaky hands. He suddenly stopped when he heard someone chuckling. "Aw, is the little turtle afarid?" Someone chuckled, Rise!Mikey stopped shaking and gasped, stars filling his eyes as he looked above him, that being where he heard the voice.

"No way!"  Rise!Mikey said with joy as MeatSweats jumped out of the shadows. His meat tenderizer in his hand.  Rise!Mikey began to smile in joy as MeatSweats smiled evilly. "Why don't we talk about you taking me to your blue brother. I might give you some old family recipes." Meat Sweats said evilly,  Rise!Mikey blinked for a moment. "Okay, but you just do something for me."  Rise!Mikey said, his smile suddenly erased. Meat Sweats chuckled as he raised up his meat tenderizer.

Mean while, with the other Mikey and Raph's

2012 Raph sighed in bordem as he leaned against the fencing, still hidden from Rise!Raph and 2012 Mikey as 2012 Mikey was still singing the song. "Lord, how long is this song?!" 2012 Raph growled quietly as he rubbed his face in annoyance. He just sighed again and looked around, hoping to find something to distract him form 2012 Mikey's singing. Rise!Raph on the other hand, was enjoying the song. He was even nodding to the beat of the song as 2012 Mikey began to dance to his song. Rise!Raph laughed a bit when 2012 Mikey tried to mimic a guitarist solo, causing Rise!Raph to look up a bit when he sighed.

"So...." 2012 Mikey said when he climbed up the edge and sat next to Rise!Raph, a smile on his face as Rise!Raph looked at 2012 Mikey. "That was awesome! My Don could maybe make it an actual song when he gets back." Rise!Raph said with a smirk as he held his chin, smiling even more when he heard 2012 Mikey gasping loudly. 2012 Raph looked at the two with a raised brow. "You mean it, your Don can do it?!" 2012 Mikey asked, pure joy in his eyes. This caused Rise!Raph to scoff in a playful manner. "I'll have to do some hard convincing, but I'm sure he'll find the right tech for the job. Dude always got money on him somehow." Rise!Raph said, whispering the last part to himself as he did start to wonder how Donnie could easily fix things so fast and why he had so much money.

"Thanks dude!" 2012 Mikey said with s mile and then looked ahead but then suddenly look sad and looked at the ground. Both Raph's noticed but Rise!Raph was the first to react. "Hey, what's wrong little dude?" Rise!Raph asked as he put a hand on 2012 Mikey's shoulder. 2012 Mikey sighed and pulled out his t-phone. The big red button he pushed before all this chaos had begun was a manual way of destroying the t-phone's incase the turtles enemies got ahold of one. 2012 Mikey's phone was busted too but he kept it because he was afarid. "It's just, your'e so much nicer than them." 2012 Mikey said, rubbing the edge of his t-phone as 2012 Raph listened more. "Who's them?" Rise!Raph asked quietly, concern filling his face.

"My brothers. Donnie kicks me out of his lab a lot because he's afraid I'll break something. Which I do always as you can tell by my phone." 2012 Mikey said as he moved his t-phone so that Rise!Raph could see the cracked screen. "My Leo wants me to always to be serious, which I get but i'm just a kid basically." 2012 Mikey said as he pulled his legs up to his chest and hugged them. "And then there's my Raph." 2012 Mikey said, 2012 Raph furrowed his brow as he gripped onto the fencing. "While he has his moments of being mean like smacking me, insulting me and making me feel like an idiot..." 2012 Mikey said as 2012 Raph looked down to the ground. He knew he wasn't the best, but surely he wasn't all bad. "I know that he does care. He made me feel happier when one of the bad guys from around here made he feel like I'd never have friends." 2012 Mikey said with a sad smile as both Raph's looked at him with sadness.

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