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"Heavens arena?" Gon asks.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Huh? Oh. We had Gone there before, before your family was.. well yea and before you disappeared." Killua says.

"Wait, wasnt i only 4?" I ask in shock.
"Well yea, but we had made it to floor 120 before You disappeared." Killua says.

"Oh. What floor did you reach?" Gon asks him.
"I made it to floor 200, but it took a while." He responds.

"Anyway, so you said you wanna hit Hisoka? Well your a long way from there." Killua says to Gon.

"Here let me draw it out for you." Killua says, grabbing a stick and drawing a line in the dirt.

"See Hisoka is here." He says, putting Hisoka at the top.
"Hanzo would be here to." He says again, putting Hanzo about 2 feet down the line from Hisoka.

"Where am i?" Gon asks.
"Here." He puts Gon at the end, after drawing the line out longer, Behind Hanzo.

"Really Killua!" Gon whines.
"What in just being honest." Killua shrugs with a cat-like grin.

"So where are you?" Gon asks.
Killua puts himself about 5 or 6 feet back from Hanzo.

"And what about Y/N? If she were still an assassin." Gon says.
Killua puts me as an assassin a few inches higher than him.

I smirk.
"I was stronger than you?"
Killua blushes a bit and shrugs.
"Yea, you used to be, plus we were only kids. now you about here."

Killua puts me about 4 feet behind him, 2 feet above Gon.
"Huh? No fair Y/N-Chan! Your almost as strong as Killua!" Gon whines again.

I laugh.
"Guess im just that good." I say with a dramatic hair flip.
"Dont get ahead of yourself kid. its not that close" Killua says putting his hand on my head.

"Stop calling me Kid! Im only two years younger than you! And your not even a teenager yet!" I say with a pout.

"Whatever." Killua says.
"Well lets get going to Heavens arena." He says.

"Yea!" Gon and i both say.


"Woah! this is Heavens arena?!" Gon says amazed.
I stand there, staring at the tall building Amazed at the sight.

"Woah..." i mumble, slowly looking down from the top and the the entrance.
"Well, are you just gonna stand there Kitty?" Killua asks.
"I mean, i could.. i rather not though.. Take me with you" i say the last part dramatically as i jump onto his back.

He chuckles, and with a sigh walk in with Gon walking next to him.
"For the floors before the 200th, or at least to first 100 i think it'd be best not to put much effort into it." Killua says.

"Like, a hard push, or a forceful flick?" I ask.
"Sure." He responds.
"Ok!" Gon says, wanting to say something.

Upon entering, we see a lady at the desk.
"After floor 100, you'll get your own room." Killua says, walking up to the desk.

"Hello, we would like to register, 3 people." Killua says. The lady slides over a paper.
"Put your name on this paper, we'll give you a number, when you fight you'll be called by that number." She says, so i lean over, still on Killuas back and i sign first.

After signing, we were told to walk to a waiting room.
When we walk in, there are a bunch of scary looking people.
"Well... This is an interesting bunch... The people at the Hunter exam looked less intimidating..." Or at least most of them... Illumi as Gittarackur was creepy.

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