Semi pov: Him....

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Semi was sitting on his bed thinking about who his soulmate would be. He has liked Shirabu ever since he was 10. Semi thoughts. 'What if it's a girl I don't know... Or someone I hate.. But what if it's Kenji...' Semi mom walks in.


"Yes mother?"

"Uh.. I found your old bracelet."

"You mean the one Kenjirou made me?"

"Yea.. That one."

"Thanks mom!"

Semi's mother handed him the bracelet and smiled. He then put the bracelet on. 'What time is it..?' Semi thought. He looks at the clock. '9:30pm...' He looks out his window to see some of his and Shirabu's old toys outside. "I love you Kenji..." 


'It's midnight now..'

Semi looks at his arm to see if he could guess his soul mate. On his arm was "I'm sorry Eita" With the initials 'K.S' Semi was confused and stayed up all night, thinking about his soulmate.

When you get your soulmate, on your arm it says the first thing they say to you after you get your mark.


Semi was at practice waiting for Shirabu to talk with him. 

"I'm sorry Eita.." 

Semi froze. 





Shirabu hugs Semi so tightly like he did when they were kids. He was in tears. Both of them were.

"I missed you for 5years..."

"I missed you too, Kenji."

They both held on to each other so tightly they didn't let go until Ushijima walked up to them. 

"It's time for you two to practice."

"Yessir!" They both said. They let go and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Semi wiped Shirabu's tears and smiled. Semi then wiped his tears.

"You still have it..?"

"Yes.. Do you..?"


They both show each other the bracelet before putting the bracelets on the bench with their jackets. They smiled and started practicing with the team. 'I have you now.. I ain't letting go again.. I love you..' Semi thought to himself. 'I love you Eita.' Shirabu thought and smiled. 


Semi and Shirabu are at the park when they last heard of each other and where they first met. 

"Your birthday is two months right..?"



"Have you found your soulmate..?"

"Heh.. I have to wait a few months before he finds me."


"Yea.. I will tell you mine when they find me." 



Semi was in his room looking at a picture of Shirabu. The same one he had for 5 years. He then see's more pictures of Shirabu he got from Tendou. 'Thank you Tendou. These are beautiful.'



"Yes father?"

"Kenjirou here."

"Ok dad." 

Semi smiles and runs to the living room. He hugs Shirabu. They both laughed and smiled. Semi then drags Shirabu to his room. 

"Like old times.."

"Yea.. Hey Kenji?.."


Shirabu was laying down on the bed with his head on Semi lap as Semi was sitting against the wall. They both looked into each other eye's. They wanted to be like this forever. Shirabu then kisses Semi and Semi kisses back. They stay like that for a minute.

"I.. I'm sorry Eita-"

"Kenji... I.. I've loved you since we were 10.. I don't care about soulmates.."

"You.. Have?.." 


Shirabu starts laughing and has tears down his face. "I love you too."

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