let the party begin

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(lucealia pov)
I had done some impressive shopping today if I do say so myself I had bought some movies for us all to watch and I bought some popcorn tonight was going to be fun I said fangirling I the pulled out my phone and dialled Will's number my phone rang for a while before being picked up hey lucealia how's it going over there he asked it's going great he quick question do you and Jess have anything going on later today I asked him actually no we don't he said okay good so I suggested to everyone and the cast of black butler to have party tonight at tatum's house and I wanted to ask if you and Jess wanted to come umm hold on let me ask her he said he then put me on hold and I continued walked to the entrance.

After a few seconds of being on hold will came back to the phone hey lucealia you still there will asked ya I'm still here I said I talked to Jess she said she said she'd love to come what time do you want us to us to be over will asked well I'm on my way to meet with everyone else and ciel might ride with brina and sebastian might ride with Tatum so I can come pick you guys up at the con I said okay lucealia sounds good will said okay bye I said bye will said as we hung when I got to the entrance I sall ciel sitting next to brina with his legs crossed they must be watching something because ciel was looking at what ever brina was watching on her phone and they both had bead phones on they look so cute I totally ship them also there by ciel and brina was hannah and Caitlin hannah had a bag of candy in her hands and a blue bell flower in the other I then walked closer to the group.

Hey guys how's it going I said getting everyone attention were fine just waiting on you and the others ciel said okay good I hope you you guys don't mind but Invited my friends to join us I told the is fine the more the merrier Caitlin said I was about to say something else when the sound of footsteps moving fast got louder and louder just the sebastian came out of know were tackled ciel pinning him to the ground at this point I was confused sebastian get of me this instant ciel said sebastian then helped ciel up apologized my apologies my Lord I was just looking for the cat outfit you wear wearing it does look adorable on you sebastian said what is be talking about I asked since at this moment I was lost he's talking about this brina said showing me the video of ciel I'm a blue cat outfit haha how did you get him to put it on I asked her I told him to put it on and keep his eyes closed until he came out I recorded the whole thing and sent it to luci Tatum and the others. Brina said speaking of Tatum we're is he I asked looking around.

We all the looked up to see Tatum running to us when he stopped he had to take a few breathes Tatum are you okay I asked ya I i had to pick up the pase because sebastian had me run real fast trying to get her so he could he could see the cat outfit ciel had on Tatum said that makes sense sebastian does love cats also we should probably go I have to go pick up my friends jess and will from the con so I'll see you guys later at the party I said I was about walk out the door but Tatum gave me his address and house number so I would know were to go I then waved goodbye to everyone and went to the car to go pick up Jess and will.

(Brina palencia pov)
After lucealia left to go get her friends for the party me and ciel continued to watch one piece on my phone but then heard a voice call out hey everyone cie and looked up to see that the voice came from Alois who had the biggest smile on his face even ciel noticed what are you so happy about trancy ciel said taking one headphone out his ear nothing ciel I just have something big planned alois said well now that we're all here I think we all go to tatum's house and get the party started luci said sounds good come on ciel I said as I stood up from were we were sitting hey I then noticed ciel walk to sebastian and whisper something in his ear I wonder what I asked myself when ciel and sebastian were done talking we to the car put ciel's new clothes in the back seat and drove off following Tatum to his house.

On the way to tatum's house ciel looked out the window he eyes looked so gorgeous they were almost as beautiful as the see I thought to myself I then desided to mess with him what's wrong with you I said in his voice witch made him jump a little ahh brina don't do that what does it annoy you I said in his voice yet again stop it he said fine sebastian before you go bring me so earl grey tea I said in voice one last time brina!!! He shouted loud enough that near by birds flew away okay okay ciel that was the last time I said after a few more minutes of me and ciel chatting and having fun we made it to tatum's house we got out the car and followed Tatum and sebastian to the front door so this is house were pranked Tatum ciel asked yes it is hey Tatum watch out for clowns I said.

It's not gonna brina Tatum said as we walked in the others either got lost or made a stop somewhere ciel said sitting on the couch while me sebastian and Tatum went into the kitchen to get everything ready for the party this is going to fun I said to myself.

(Lucealia pov)
I had just pulled into the parking lot of the hotel were shuto con was I could see people leaving since it was getting pretty dark I then got out the car and walked into the convention I looked around for will and jess but I couldn't find them I should probably call them I said pulling out my phone and calling will it rang for a bit but then picked up hey lucealia will said hey will I'm here at the con were are you and Jess I asked were in the black butler panel room will said why are you the panel I asked when you were gone we heard that book of Atlantic would be premiering in the black butler panel panel room that we were in earlier will said.

And why didn't you tell me this when I called you a few minutes ago I asked with a some anger in my tone because will and jess know that book of Atlantic is my favorite black butler movie sorry lucealia but you at the mall with the real characters and voice actors of black butler that's better than any movie will said I guess your right okay I'm coming to get you bye I said hanging up and walked to the panel room I walked to see the movie was at the part were william came to pick up grell and ronald from the what he guys ready to go have some fun I said sure we are let's go jess said as we the walked the room and made our what back to the car we then got in and I drove us tatum's house this is going to be so much fun!!! I said I my head hearing the exitment of my voice in .y head.

(Ciel pov)
I was sitting on the couch by lizzy and Alois I then noticed what looked like a ring box in his coat pocket what is that for I asked myself Alois can I talk to you in private I said getting the male blondes attention sure ciel he said we the got up from the couch leaving a confused lizzy behind we since everyone was still in the kitchen getting everything ready for the party me and Alois walked into the hallway of tatum's house so what do you want to talk about phantomhive Alois said putting his hand on his hip what's with the ring box Alois I asked what are you talking about ciel he said trying to act like he didn't know what I was talking about.

Alois I can see it poking out your coat pocket I said not in the mood for his games okay fine this ring is for hannah since I have feelings for hannah I don't want her to be afraid of me anymore so I thought of getting her a ring when I'll give it to her will be soon Alois said wait your serious about being in love with your maid I said giving him a teasing smile I don't know what so funny ciel because didn't me and lucealia see you blushing at a picture of brina alois said s-shut up trancy I said blushing from embarrassment don't act so shy now phantomhive admit it you love your voice actor alois said I don't what your talking about alois I said hide it all you want ciel but deep down you know you love her alois said getting close to my ear feeling a shiver go down my spine he then walked away while I stood there in the hallway I do have feelings for brina but I've never felt this feeling before it's all so new besides how would I tell her I said all to myself.

(Brina palencia pov)
I was setting up the table puting the bowl of chips and drinks on the table next to the door by the tv after I was down I sat down on the couch next to lizzy and noticed that ciel wasn't there since last I sall him he was sitting here hey lizzy have you seen ciel I asked her he was just here a minute ago but he went to talk to alois about something she said thanks lizzy I said to her your welcome she responded I was about to stand up and go look for ciel before I sall him walk in room and sit on the couch next to me and lizzy Ohh ciel!!! Came lizzy's voice as she tackled ciel off of the couch pulling into a bear hug I tried not to laugh since ciel was making a adorable face it was so easy to tell how embarrassed he was.

L-lizzy you can get off me now he said trying not to sound rude even though for him it wasn't a problem but he can't be that way around Elizabeth for reasons hehe of course ciel Lizzy boops his nose and stands up getting off ciel who stood up dusting his clothes off looking at me with a slit blush on his face I tried not to giggle at the cute face he was making as he soon realized he was blushing and quickly stopped you didn't see a thing brina okay he said sounding embarrassed I couldn't hold it any longer and giggling sure ciel whatever you say I smiled.

( Hello everyone I'm finally back with the next chapter in this story it took me a while but I finally finishing it but don't worry more chapters will be coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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Black butler x modern reader ( ciel phantomhive and brina palencia love story)Where stories live. Discover now