What's new?(chapter 1)

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The dress you'll be wearing first are these:

The dress you'll be wearing first are these:

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It's up to you what clothes to wear before and after shower.
These drawings also drawn by me!
Choose whatever clothes you like, no matter what sizes or looks, if you want to add or combine stuff or anything, do whatever you want in your imaginations!
These are just my recommendations and the canon clothes that were wear by the main character ^^


Quick note: y/n = "your name"
💎Your age in this part is 12+ but 18-
💎Living in an orphan life however some part of the detail in the stories are not accurate to real life orphans due to the fact that I didn't get much information and not an orphan myself. Plus: The system of the orphanage are not the same as in general/reality.

Now, on with the story~ (^v^)/



Thursday, morning

(6:30 a.m)

I woke up from my bed, sweating then looked out the window beside me. The sun has already risen. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" My roommate, Casie asked as she handed a coffee/tea. "Bad dream?" She asked again.

"Thank you and yeah... Same dream from last time, over and over." I answered as I sip the hot drink. "I'm still feeling exhausted even when I slept too early. Maybe it's because of the dreams." I continued.

She sigh then sat down on my bed beside me, thinking to herself and staring at the view through the window.

Everything went silent until someone came in...

"Good morning guys!"

Ah, yes. Of course she's already awake, earlier than all of us. She's my other roommate, one of those optimistic friend named Diane. She's a muslim that I known since I went into this orphanage and she's probably the calmest and thoughtful friend I've ever met.

"Someone please help me wake up Rina right there..." Diane said, looking at our other last roommate, Rina whose been sleeping peacefully in her pile of pillows.

'Damn, that girl must been really lucky to be having nice dreams, huh?' I thought to myself, slightly jealous of her.

Rina suddenly said, half asleep "Yeah... Y-yea, yeah I'm up, I've woken up..." I chuckled at the poor sleeping beauty. She lazily got up to wash her face then came back to sit with us on the flower chair at our mushroom table while reading her novel. 

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