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ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴠɪᴇᴡ

The sound of the man blowing the whistle interrupted the suspenseful silence.

Y/n looked down at the team from the stands, nervously biting her lip. The look on Kita's face was unforgettable, it was ingrained in her mind.

Maybe this is all a- her suffocating thoughts were interrupted by a man blowing the whistle, the Inarazaki volleyball team erupted in cheers as the opposing team's atmosphere became gloomy of their lose to the powerhouse team.

The team members on the court and from the bench all hugged realizing they were going to nationals.

Kita crossed his arms slightly smiling to himself as he was the only one sitting down on the bench, not with the others.

"Kita-San get over here" Atsumu waved him over.

The captain got up, heading over to them feeling proud of his team.

"Good job everyone" He spoke up, complimenting his teammates.

"WE'RE GOING TO NATIONALS!!!" Atsumu yelled out in excitement as Osamu sighed at his brother's behavior.

Akagi chuckled at his kohai's actions before walking over to Aran and Kita. "Can you believe it's our last year."

"Honestly, it doesn't feel like it" Aran shrugged.

"Everything just went so fast" Kita added as his two friends nodded their heads in agreement.

Too fast.


"You guys did so good out there" Y/n walked towards them, clapping with a proud smile on her face.

Akagi got up from where he was sitting, to go hug her. "Hey Y/n, I guess you wishing me good luck did work."

She chuckled before pecking his cheek, not thinking about her best friend for a second. "I guess it did."

Atsumu blankly stared at Y/n and Akagi, still not use to the idea of them being together.

The third year approached her best friend. "I know you weren't really out there but you did great Shinsuke."

Kita looked at her, his eyes taking in her beautiful features that he's grown to adore. "Thank you Y/n." He paused for a moment wanting to say more.

Y/n nodded at him for a moment before facing the whole team. "NOW LETS CELEBRATE!!!" She exclaimed before sheepishly looking at coach Kurosu for permission.

𝐒𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐄 ➸ ᴋɪᴛᴀ. sWhere stories live. Discover now