Chan centric - Care

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⚠️Fainting I think. I'm not sure myself.⚠️

Chan opened his eyes to notice his head was resting on the table.
'What?' He lifted his head to find himself in his studio.
'Did I not go home yesterday?' 

He looked in front of him to find his laptop still open with the song he was working on. He quickly saved his work and put his laptop in his bag. Chan looked up at the time and saw it was 6 am. 'Shoot.'

He picked up his stuff and got up quickly, only to fall back down onto the chair. The older's head was pounding as his ears started to ring. He shut his eyes tightly and grabbed his head to try to lessen the pain. However, the pain didn't lessen but increased; the ringing in his ear got louder as his headache became worse. Without another choice, he forced himself up onto his feet and took baby steps towards the studio door. With great difficulty, he unlocked the door and called a taxi to take him back to the dorms.


Seungmin comes out of the shower to hear the door open and Chan comes through. He has bags under his eyes as he walks slowly like all his energy was sucked out of him.

"Hyung, why didn't you come home yesterday?" Seungmin asked in a worried tone.

"Sorry Seungs, I forgot," Chan said sheepishly. Struggling, he took off his shoes and sat on the couch with a sigh.

"What do you mean forgot? Did you fall asleep in the studio again?" At this point, Seungmin was concerned if the male had even eaten as he hadn't come back the whole of yesterday. "Did you order food and eat?"

"I think I did. I don't remember." Chan placed his head in his hands as he tried to think. He winced as he worked his head, the headache not helping either.

"Hyung, you shouldn't even have to think about those things. How do you forget if you eat?!"
Seungmin exclaimed.

"I'm sure I did, don't worry. I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for practice."
He quickly dismissed the matter and went to his room silently to not wake up his roommates then collected his clothes to freshen up.


"Chan, you're messing up again! Pay attention!"
The dance teacher shouted at Chan as he made a mistake on the same move again. The members watched on the side feeling sorry for him as they know how tired Chan is. 

He fell asleep on the couch being so tired and had to miss breakfast as no one woke him up. They only realized that he was still asleep because he wasn't present in the car. Missing 4 meals of food, a headache and lack of sleep was taking a toll on his body. He felt faint and could pass out at any moment. 

"Let's get back to the formation and do it right Bang. If he gets it right you guys can go home." The dance instructor said demandingly

Chan nodded and went to his place.
'Just a few more minutes.'
He thought as he tried his best to ignore the ringing in his ear.

The music was loud and was only increasing his migraine as he barely moved his limbs in beat with the music. Now was coming the part where he kept messing up, he had to swirl around Han and then lift himself with the force of his back. Due to his lack of sleep and food, he struggled to bring himself up from the floor and kept messing up. He hoped his body could do it this once so everyone doesn't suffer for a mistake HE keeps making.

The next thing he knew he was on the floor. Everything happened too fast. He placed his left arm on the floor as he slid behind Felix copying his move. He felt as if his arm would break off because he was carrying his whole weight on it. He laid down on his back as quickly as he could and placed his feet flat on the ground. Lifting his body with the strength of his legs, he successfully picked himself up. 

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