You Are Dead

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You hear a voice and recognized it out of thousands. You turn around and see someone approaching. He has his hand on his other upper arm. He stagger on one leg. You walk towards him silently and in silence. You can see more of his face in a lantern light. His hair is messy. He has a large wound on his forehead near his hairline. A drop of blood falls down his jawline. He is getting closer and closer. You're a few inches apart from each other. He gasps, as if he has run for his lives.

'Thank god you're okay!'

He coughs. You look at his eyes and stay silent. Speechless and stiff you stand there on the gravel path in the park.


No words come out of your mouth.

You: 'you're not real'

'N-not real? What do you mean? '

He is still out of breath and still holding his other hand on his upper arm. A tear leaves your eye.

You: 'I saw you'


You: "You are dead."

There is a killing silence. He looks at me in concern.

'D-dead?...Y/n that isn't real. I'm right here in front of you...It's me .... Tom '

You want to say something, but that doesn't work. You lift your hand and put your finger on the side of his head. Your other finger also runs down his cheek. You feel it. You rub his cold cheeks with your thumb. So he is real. You're not dreaming. Tom is really there. Right in front of you. You sigh with relief.

you: 'omg'

You give him a hug. He puts his hand on your back. You put your hand on the back of his head and pull him closer. A tear leaves your eye.

Tom: 'Hey it's okay'

It still surprises you that you hear his voice. The calm voice you hear through your ears is real. He's there, alive.

tom: 'y/n you've got to tell me what's going on here-'

Before he could finish the sentence, you smash your lips on his lips. You kiss him. He kisses you back and you2 enjoy every second of it. You feel like you haven't kissed him for years. You put your hand on his cheek. You2missed this very much.

'Are you okay?' You said when you pull of the kiss

You said: 'what happened to your arm?'

Tom: 'I got shot'

You: 'What? We've got to go to the hospital'

Tom: 'no wait. Not until you know everything what happened. '

You: 'no. No I'm not losing you twice' you shed a tear

Tom: 'y/n calm down. It's not that bad okay?'

You sigh.

Tom: 'the night it happened. When you left with Harrison, I found the letter on the doormat. I opened and......Why didn't you tell me about those letters?'

You: 'idk. They said if I tell you they are going to hurt the people I love most. I can't have that on my conscience. '

You start to breathe harder when you remember.

Tom: 'It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I understand...Anyway, when I arrived here at the park at the big tree I saw 4 people. Ashely, Steven, your crazy mom an Mark. They were amazed that I came, they expected you to come. I told them to stay away from us. And just stop bothering us. They got angry and said you ruined their lives. I defend you but they didn't tolerate that. Ashely took a gun from her pocket and fired. At first I didn't feel anything but then I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. I was shot there. I fell hard to the ground and passed out. I didn't know anything anymore. I woke up in a bare white room. '

Tom woke up in a place white room. He was lying on the cold floor. The floor was made of wooden planks and the walls of white wallpaper. Tom had a lot of pain in his arm and waited a long time for someone to come in. When that finely happens, he gets up quickly. The man is a police man and someone else is walking in a white suit. A researcher. Next to them, Ashely also comes in.

Tom: 'What the fuck am I doing here and where is y/n?'

Ashely: 'ugh, please do it quickly. I don't want to hear his stupid voice anymore. '

Tom: 'wait what-'

Tom was knocked out by the police. A few police officers, ambulance workers and lab workers have been bribed by Ashely. They are on her side. They do everything she says. This was when Tom was shot. When that happened and he was on the ground, the police and ambulances came. So they pretended he was dead. The ambulance workers have put the white sheet around him. Later when everyone had left, they moved Tom to the white bare room. Where he was then beaten out again. They take him to the room where he is placed on a table.

The room in the lab where you saw him behind the window. So it was really him, not dead, but unconscious. That way they could convince you that Tom was really dead. After you left, they took Tom to a hidden cabin in the woods. Meanwhile, Ashely, Steven, your mom and mark had been arrested by the good police. Who weren't on their side. Later you came to the police station to say they could have done it.

Meanwhile, Tom has woken up and tries to get out of the wooden house. He hadn't eaten for days and is very weak. But eventually he manages to break through the wooden door. He saw only trees around him. He ran in one direction which was ultimately the right direction. He ended up in the park close to your house. He staggered through the park and finally saw you, on the edge of a hill. Which brought you back together.

You: "So that's how it all happened."

Tom: 'Apparently.'

You hug Tom: 'I'm so glad that you're okay. You have no idea how much I've missed you. '

Tom: 'No one is gonna break us apart. No one ever in our whole life. I love y/n '

you: 'I love you to Tom. I love you too. '

You pull of the hug and kissed him with a tear that falls down Tom and your cheeks.

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