:::: Manipulation - 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 ::::

427 41 86

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FOR Jelly Graphic Contests BY CHUFLIX !!!

First of all I just hate this wattshit pls. I mean- what beef it has with the size of GIF?? I seriously don't get this point. I literally was trying to make a GIF manip this time but my luck said- "Sorry but I'm on vacation." 

-_- That's what happens with me. ALWAYS.

But yeah...the GIF quality actually came out bad tbh so...it would be a waste. Honestly the video maker is so good- I wish I could show you guys the video here but there's no facility for that. If anyone wanna see it, you can visit my Insta page to have a look ^^

Element Chosen: Fire

Title: Fire

Subtitle: To get the heart of fire.

Face Claim: Min Yoongi (BTS)

Size: Of 1:1 ratio

Extra: As asked, this edit is based on the element Fire and the concept is resembling it here. Its showing a guardian angel in order to fight the evil power conquering the good, he seeks for the power of the element Fire.

But the power of fire can only be achieved and used, if he can get the heart of the element, and there's a rumor that no one can achieve it without being burnt to ashes, which means death. But he still dares to get it, which results in burning of his wings. But still he achieves the heart of Fire.

Here I've practically portrayed the heart of Fire and its elemental power which leaded to burn his wings. And the black shade of his body is due to the ashes.

[P.s.- I know it wasn't asked but I wanted to write this cuz I think for this kind of manipulations, this much description is needed for others to understand it all.]

:::: E N T R Y ::::

:::: I M A G E S   U S E D ::::

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:::: I M A G E S   U S E D ::::

I'll have to go and have my dinner or else I'll see my mom running behind me with a chappal (slippers) lol XD

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I'll have to go and have my dinner or else I'll see my mom running behind me with a chappal (slippers) lol XD

Good ni8 everyone!!! It must be day for some duh- ok- good day to them!!!


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