:::: Personal - 𝘞𝘦 𝘖𝘯 ::::

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I dunno when I'll be updating it but this book is in my draft right now which is coming JUST for u guys! For the ones who have had repeatedly requested for tips and guides.

Its a 20k+ gift for you guys!

And yes- for the ones who asked for tutorials- I dunno when that will be out for real but that's also in my draft but I'm not sure that whether I'm prepared enough to tutor anyone lol XD

I'm still a student at this, honestly saying.

:::: P R E V I E W ::::

:::: I M A G E S   U S E D ::::

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:::: I M A G E S   U S E D ::::

:::: I M A G E S   U S E D ::::

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Uhm...the cover is a bit weird but honestly I had nothing in mind to make a cover for a book like this so yeah- here we go!

I'm still laughing at such a immature edit for my own book seriously XD

Anyway- good bye and good luck!

If I get enough time, I'll post something again. Until then-

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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