:::: Book Cover - 13 ::::

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FOR Graphics Contest BY GraphicsNation !!!

I dunno what the fook I made...I was totally sleepy today and was forcing myself to complete the cover. UGH! But thankfully it ended with a not-so-good note...yeah yeah I know its the worst.

Title: 13

Subtitle: Once you get in, you can't get out. Not alive.

Genre: Horror

Story: 5 friends enter in a hotel to take rest for the night, among them 3 are girls and the remaining two are boys. The manager of the hotel has a peculiar aura and character. But thing they finds is that the hotel got 13th floors from the other hotels that got vanished.

Note: The title must be of an element and not just a text typo.

:::: E N T R Y ::::

:::: P I C T U R E S   U S E D ::::

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:::: P I C T U R E S   U S E D ::::

(sorry the house image got deleted from my laptop and I couldn't find it back in the internet)

(sorry the house image got deleted from my laptop and I couldn't find it back in the internet)

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Don't forget to leave feedbacks lol! XD

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