Irish Crush

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this is my first story and i would like to apologize in advance that i will have very slow updates because of sports, school and many other things.That's all i have to say at the moment so i hope you enjoy the first chapter


Chapter 1- It's now or never

Rosa's POV

As I was walking the loud halls of the school alone again I saw my crush, Niall. He has short blonde hair, a short sturdy body and my personal favourite his bright ocean blue eyes.

Niall comes off as a shy person, but when you have been in his class for almost two whole years you realise how loud and outgoing he really is.

Niall and I have held decent conversation a few times, but they always ended with us standing there awkwardly staring at each other.

Today is the last day of school and right now he is standing alone by his bag looking a little lonely so here goes nothing.

"Hey, Niall how are you?"

"I'm good, you?" He answered

"I've been better" I muttered

"Why, what's wrong?"

He asked worried...wait, worried?

"I got something on my mind" I replied after a short silence

"Oh, well you can talk to me about it"

Niall said a little unsure

"..only if if you want to though" he quickly added in

"Um...well it's sort of about you..."

"You can still tell me, don't worry I won't laugh at you, I promise"

"Um ok?" That sounded more like a question...

"Well I sort of like you..."

He smirked! He just flipping smirked!!! What the FUDGE does that mean?!?!

"Why you smirking when I'm just standing here like an idiot who just got rejected...?" I accused

"1. You're not an idiot and

2. Because I like you too, and I have wanted to tell you for ages now but I have always chickened out.

I was going to ask if you like me at lunch today, but I thought that my chance of asking you was blown because I couldn't find you and it's the last day of school" He said sadly

I felt the corners of my lip twitch up and slowly turn into a huge smile. The last time I smiled this much was 2 months ago when I started liking Niall.

" were?" I stuttered and blushed furiously

"Yes" Niall said also blushing

At that perfect moment I took my chance and flung my arms around his neck and hugged him. He slowly caught on that I was hugging him and he slid his arms around my waist. We stood there hugging until we heard the bell go signalling it was the end of school and we could go home. I mentally pouted because to he honest I loved how he smelt..(I'm really weird) and didn't want to leave him.

Niall and I said our goodbyes and I gave him a hug and my number since we wouldn't be seeing each other during school because we're on our Christmas break...duh.

I said that he could call whenever he wanted but not too late at night otherwise my parents might have a spaz and he laughed

Just before he left he wanted to ask me something quickly

Niall's POV

I asked Rosa If I could ask her something quickly and she said yes as long as it didn't take long.

"Rosa I know we have only just said that we like each other but I would like to know now if you love me enough to date me..."

"Niall I'm speechless but of course I love you enough to want to date you!"

She said actually sounding genuine unlike my two ex-girlfriends who I hated to death.

Well that settles it then...Rosa Marie Parks will you do me the honours of having you as my beautiful girlfriend?"


My girlfriend screamed that sounds weird 'my girlfriend'

"You're blushing..." I said to Rosa

"You are too..."

she sounded like she was thinking about something at the same time, but I just brushed it off

"Touché my friend, Touché" I laughed

Rose as I like to call Rosa gave me another hug before skipping off to her house, yes skipping, what can I say? The girl likes to skip which makes me think that, that is one of the many reasons why I like her.

I couldn't remember what her expression was when I told her about me being in an 'international boy band: One Direction'

Then I remembered...

I forgot to tell her that I'm in One Direction...


I'm not sure how long that chappie was, sorry. Please vote, fan and comment your thoughts on my first chapter of "Irish Crush"

All rights reserved.

No copyright.

Please don't copy my story it is all from my own ideas and I try my hardest to come up with these chapters and I know they aren't long but please don't copy my ideas.


I have had quite a few people say that..

To be completely honest I don't think any of the people who commented saying that

"it's toooooooooo short maybe make them longer"

I don't think you know how hard it is to write these 'fan fictions'

I'm sorry for a rant but please don't comment saying for me to make these chapters longer :/

I truly love your comments and I read every single one of them and I don't care about hate but commenting for me to make these chapters longer..just please don't go there I'm sorry :( :/

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