A Problem House

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Chapter Seventeen


"How's the apartment hunt going?" Gaby asked Shay as they drove towards the scene of their call, ambulances blaring with the truck right in front of them.

Scout couldn't help but eye the blonde through the window separating her from the front seat. Everyone knew that things were a little delicate for Shay right now. After the insemination with Severide not taking to them finding Renee outside their apartment, pregnant with his child, to now having to move out of their apartment-- it had been a tough couple of months for the blonde.

"Oh, you know, better than telling Kelly I didn't think Renee's due date added up." Shay spoke casually, as if it were an every day conversation. "Yeah, you can imagine how he took it."

"Hey, I'm with you on that whole thing," Scout voiced her support. The blonde had had a point when she brought it up after hearing Renee's due date as being around Thanksgiving when she and Severide had last been together the first week of February. The timeline just didn't add up.

"Thank you," Shay shot her a smile through the mirror.

"And this has nothing to do with you and a baby and her and a baby?" Gaby eyed the woman behind the wheel.

"I'm past all that, all right?" Shay insisted.

"Well, if you need a place to stay while looking for an apartment, you're more than welcome to come stay with the boys and I." Scout offered as they came around the corner and onto the street they needed. "A few weeks with us and you'll never wanna think of having a kid again."

"If you really wanna scare her, send her over to Herrmann's." Gaby joked, knowing the household had been hectic since they brought home the new baby.

"We have a two and a half story fully involved. If you wanna get a line in that basement let's get a primary search started immediately. Someone's inside." Boden alerted everyone over the radio as they parked outside of the burning house-- the guys all jumping into action.

"You sure about me staying with you?" Shay asked Scout as they all climbed out of the ambulance to wait for any possible victims.

"Of course," Scout nodded. "The boys would love to have their Aunt Shay around more often."

"Speaking of the boys, any plans for Mackie's first birthday?" Gaby asked. "You've only got a week left."

"I've never understood the point of birthday parties for kids under the age of four," Scout admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but he's gonna be one. It's not like he's gonna remember any of it and he doesn't have any friends for me to invite over. It's just gonna be a bunch of adults hanging out and watching him smash a cake."

"I don't remember you complaining this much when DJ was turning one," Shay raised a brow at the mother-of-two.

"Oh, I did, trust me," Scout assured her. "I just did it to Isaac behind closed doors. He's the one that pushed for that party. Not me."

"Well I'm pushing for it this time," Gaby told her. Scout opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the windows blowing out on the house, causing everyone to duck to avoid the glass while heat from the flames poured out over them.

"Cruz, Herrmann, Otis, up the aerial to vent." Matt called out to the men. "Candidate, we're in the basement."

"Hey, 51, follow us in with the light!" Severide shouted. "Capp, stay with me."

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