~Chapter 14: Plan D & Final Plan~

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Yeah Yeah's idea was that one of us should bungee jump over the fence & try to retrieve the ball ourselves. But only one person had to do it, & Yeah Yeah volunteered that he would.

We got a chair & tied the rope to the tree, along with a harness. We also put pedals on the chair, so that way we could pull the person up or lower them down. Ham was the one in charge of doing it. Me & the other boys were in charge of holding & pulling the rope.

"It's all clear y'all.", Squints said as he looked into the yard below.

"Take me up.", Yeah Yeah said confidently.

Ham started pedaling forward & we started pulling the rope to make Yeah Yeah ascend into the air & over the fence.

"Let me down slow."

Ham started pedaling backwards & we held the rope. I was in front of Benny.

"Damn babe, your body's looking like fine wine.", Benny said flirting.

I turned around & gave him a smirk.

"Hehe, well thank you sir. You also have some nice muscles there."

"Hey Benny, Ari, this ain't no time for flirting you lovebirds. Let's stick to the plan.", Kenny said looking at us & rolling his eyes.

"Oh shush Kenny, it's not like you have a girl anyways.", I snickered. He looked at me with his mouth open & stayed quiet.

Yeah Yeah was already lowered to the ground & he was looking everyone to see any sign of the Beast, but nothing yet so far. He slowly picked up the ball that covered covered in slob.

"Okay, I got it. Now get me out of here.", Yeah Yeah whispered, looking up at Squints.

"Pull him up guys.", Squints told me & the boys.

As Yeah Yeah looked back around, he was now in face to face with a the Beast. His mouth was so slobbery & his teeth were sharp enough to bite through something. He started growling & Yeah Yeah started screaming.

We all started panicking & Ham accidentally let go of the pedals. We immediately pulled the rope with all our strength & Yeah Yeah came back up. Unfortunately he had dropped the ball while ascending so that sucked.

We ended up having to go with our final plan for today, & that was Plan E.


Since Smalls was pretty good as an inventor for his age, he had came up with an idea to use an invention of his to go into the yard & get the ball. The invention was basically a moving catapult. Some of the boys were in the treehouse, while I stayed on the ground with Benny & the others.

"Babe, do you think this is gonna work? This is our fifth plan we came up with.", I asked Benny.

"I'm honestly not too sure babe, but we can try."

Ham & Timmy used a metal looking railing for Smalls' machine to go down into the yard. Smalls launched & the machine was off.

The machine made it down to the ground safely & Smalls was trying to set  it in the right position to get the ball.

"Stop right there and drop the catapult.", Squints told Smalls.

"Catapults dropped."

"Open catapult."

"We're gonna get it, I know it.", Bertram whispered.

"Forward a little and close catapult."

"Catapults closed."

"We're gonna get man, come on.", Benny muttered under his breath.

"Come on, we can do this.", I said.

The Beast coming towards the machine, ready to destroy it.

"Ahh! Fire fire fire!", Squints yelled.

Smalls launched & the ball went flying up in the air. Me & the boys were ready to catch it.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!", Benny yelled.

The Beast jumped real high all of a sudden & caught the ball, swallowing it. Benny looked in shock of what just happened.

"What in the fucking hell!?", I yelled shocked like the others.

The Beast then started tearing apart the machine. The machine flew up in the air & crashed back down, completely destroyed. Smalls looked down at us disappointed that his contraption failed.

We all walked out from the backgate of the yard shook. I was the one disappointed though, because we failed once again.

"Oh we're never gonna get the ball back. My dad is gonna be so mad now. It meant so much to him.", I said doubting myself & feeling like I was going to cry again.

"Hey hey hey babe, don't cry again, it's okay. We ain't giving up just yet. We can try again tomorrow. But for now, let's all just go home and rest. You can stay at my house for tonight if you want to baby. Alright?", Benny told me while hugging me.

"Okay baby.", I said quietly.

"I'll see y'all tomorrow guys.", Benny said as we all separated to go back to our houses.

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