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Thank you so much for reading! I know you were waiting for Patrick's POV, so here it is! Please comment and vote, they keep me going!

patrick's pov

"Dude! Get up!" I hear a scratchy voice yell at the top of his lungs. Opening just one of my eyes, I see my best friend Sean hovering over my face with the creepiest grin on his face. 

"What the hell man, it's..." pausing to read the clock on my nightstand "six am". I groaned smashing my head into my pillow. 

"Yeah, it's six am, but here in Georgia we like to get an early start!" He exclaims throwing off my comforter and shoving me off my bed towards the window. 

"Look here Patrick, I know you grew up across the pond, but here in Georgia, and especially on the Evans Family farm- when the rooster crows we get up!"

"Sean, I love you buddy, but you live on a wheat farm- there are no roosters!" I cried out while pointing to the many acres where wheat is just starting to sprout. Walking towards the bathroom, I grab my towel and step into the shower. 

"Just remember! We have to be at that Georgia Tech Tournament in an hour- I don't know what idiot asked you to be the celebrity sponsor, but they did" Sean yells with a chuckle at the end.

"You're just jealous because you're the one who went there and they didn't ask you!" I bellow from inside the shower while starting the water. 

Sean and I had been best friends ever since my first pro tournament. I was in need of a great caddy, one who could carry my clubs but also give me invaluable strategies and tips for having a good round of golf. 

You wouldn't know it by looking and talking with him, but Sean is by far the best caddy in the world of golf. Not only do we get along like we've known each other since birth, despite being born on other sides of the world, him in Georgia and me in Leeds in the UK, but his knowledge of golf and the ways in which we can win have gotten me far in my career. 

I mean, not to brag, but I am the top-rated PGA golfer in the world.

My parents are both professors in the local university in Leeds and my dad had been the head golf coach, so many nights after primary school I would sit on the side of the putting green attempting to do my homework, but mostly watching and learning from the college kids who were on the team. 

I still remember the day I asked my dad to teach me how to golf and how excited he was. After that day we spent every afternoon on the course practicing and discovering new approaches. I had joined the high school team and quickly became the top scorer, garnering much local support. 

The day I got the most important letter of my life will forever be in my memory. I had just gotten in the driveway after winning a city tournament and my dad had come out to give me a hug and grab my golf bag. I remember my mom yelling from the kitchen, "Grab the mail!"

 I jogged to the corner opening the mailbox when I pulled out a large thick orange envelope, with a return address from Oklahoma State University. 

I jogged inside and ripped the envelope open, and read the letter which contained a full scholarship offer to be on the Men's Varsity Golf Team. 

I'll never forget the way my mom dropped the casserole she was working on and my dad looking at me with tears in his eyes and being pulled into the tightest hug ever. 

The next summer when I flew to Oklahoma and got settled into my college life, I knew that all of my hard work had paid off. Over the next four years our team went off to win 3 NCAA Championships and I had been on the leaderboards in all but three of our tournaments. 

I was then asked to play in the United States Amateur Championship- the most important game of my career up until that point. 

I will never ever be able to replicate the pride and joy I had felt in that moment when I sunk the last putt and was declared the winner. I was always really proud of my achievements and I know my family was too, but this win was a turning point in my career. I then went on to tour the world playing in tournaments pretty much every week, gaining thousands of fans, and pretty much living my dreams. 

I love my career and my life on the tour, but I have always had that nagging feeling that something was missing.

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