The MoonFlowers, Starclans Message

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Wolfpaw awoke to a light ginger face in his face. "Sunpaw!" He gasped, sitting up with fright. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Waking you up, duh! We are going to the MoonFlowers! Aren't you excited?" She said, bouncing up and down.

Wolfpaw suddenly remembered. "Oh yeah! When are we heading out?" He asked.

"As soon as Brackenfang and Spottedstar come to get us." As soon as she said that, Spottedstar poked her head into the den.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked.

"Yea!" Sunpaw and Wolfpaw said in unison.

"Then let's go. Get some herbs from Lilyspeckle." Brackenfang said, standing next to Spottedstar. Wolfpaw and Sunpaw bounded over to the medicine den.

"Are these for us?" Wolfpaw asked, looking down at the neatly wrapped bundle of leaves.

"They are, now eat up. They are bitter, but they will help." The silver and black speckled she-cat mewed, pushing the bundles towards them.

"I bet I can eat them without making a face!" Sunpaw said to Wolfpaw as she bent down and picked up a leaf. She chewed it, and swallowed. "I stand corrected.." She croaked, making a face.

Lilyspeckle chuckled. "I warned you." She mewed.

Wolfpaw looked down at his own share, then ate them one by one, wincing at the bitter taste. "Thank you." He said, dipping his head to Lilyspeckle. " He turned to Sunpaw. "Let's find Spottedstar." Sunpaw nodded and they trotted over to Spottedstar and Brackenfang , And exited camp.

And with that, they were on their way to the moon flowers.


When they got to the moon flowers, it was almost moonhigh. "Do you know what to do?" Mewed Lilyspeckle, who had come with. Wolfpaw shook his head, so did Sunpaw. Lilyspeckle nodded. "Just lie down and smell them." She mewed.

Wolfpaw nodded. "Sounds easy enough." And he did as told. As soon as he smelled the flowers, he was thrown into a darkness. The yowls and screeches of cats were all around him, along with the sickening moans of the Dead cats. He heard a whisper in his ear.

'The dead will rise, but the sun glinting off the wolf's fang will save all from destruction, but not without a price.'

(Don't judge. My first prophecy. So bleh)

"What is that supposed to mean?" Wolfpaw yowled into the darkness. The yowling was fading. Suddenly, Wolfpaw was back among the moonflowers, with the others getting up and stretching.

"Are you ready to go?" Spottedstar asked. Wolfpaw nodded.

Why me? I'll talk to Softheart when we get home.

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