Chapter 9 - Saika's Encounter

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Quick Note: Hi everyone! I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to publish. The original version of the chapter didn't save, and afterwards I had writer's block. So in short, sorry for the long wait, but hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter, and hopefully it won't take as long to publish the next one ^^'


Saika's POV

I always locked my door at night; it was something my parents always told me to do. It was common sense, really. And because I always locked my door, I expected to be able to sleep in peace, not have my door broken down by a blueish-silver-haired barbarian who went on to use me as her makeshift punching bag.

"Kimika! Stop it!" I ignored Kimika's lazy punches and groggily looked up to see Yumi, awkwardly standing to the side, pulling on Kimika's shoulder as she tried to pry her off of me. She looked positively panicked, probably expecting me to hop out of bed and toss Kimika out my open window.

"If this idiot doesn't get up in ten seconds, I'll do more than punch her! If she sleeps in for any longer we'll all be stuck here waiting for little Miss Princess to wake up before we actually get to train! I am not waiting another second for her to get up and–"

"Alright! Alright! I'm up! Geez," I sighed, sitting up and shooting Kimika the hardest glare I could muster. She didn't falter under my gaze. Huh. I finally found myself a worthy opponent. Besides her rotten personality, of course. "Now do you mind getting out?"

With an exasperated huff Kimika folded her arms and stormed out of the room. Rather comically, might I add. Yumi simply shook her head. "Sorry, Saika. I tried to stop her, I really did. But she insisted on, uh, how did she put it...? "Getting that stupid, useless, annoying, lazy–""

I put my hands up in a hasty surrender, chuckling weakly. "You can stop there. She hates me, I get it." Lowering my hands, I raised a brow. "What's she on about anyway? I'd never expect her of all people to be excited about training, of all things."

Yumi blinked owlishly. "You don't remember?!" Her sudden outburst shocked me. I almost threw my pillow at her from the 'fight or flight' reflex she triggered. "We're going to TDL to train! How do you think we'll become heroes if we don't–"

I began to zone out. If Yumi didn't stop soon, we'd be later than we already were. With a long sigh I stood up and began pushing Yumi towards my door. I scowled upon noticing the broken lock. Kimika would definitely owe me a generous amount of money to repair that.

"And don't even get me started about–"

"Yeah, bye." Yumi's rant was interrupted when I slammed the door in her face. I turned on my heel and began rummaging through my drawer. I'd have to plan Kimika's downfall later.


Just as I had expected to enjoy a peaceful slumber, I also expected to see Mr. Kaeshio awkwardly standing before our class. I was not expecting to see a strange man with a rather contagious grin plastered on his face, gesturing wildly at our class.

"Hello students of Class 1-A!" He was surprisingly amiable, a welcome change from dealing with Kimika's difficult personality. And — as if she read my thoughts — she subtly cast a malevolent glare in my direction, which I coolly ignored.

"I'll be taking over for Mr. Kaeshio today," he continued. "We'll be meeting up with a pro hero at TDL to train."

After he didn't offer an explanation for Mr. Kaeshio's absence, I assumed he was sick, or possibly drowning in paperwork.

"So, I'm going to kindly request that you all board the bus, single file, and find a seat in an orderly manner. Remember, the quicker we are, the more time we'll have for training!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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