Chapter 4 - Taking the First Step (Pt. 1)

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Hey everyone! Just as a quick note, this chapter ended up being much, MUCH longer than I anticipated, so I've split it up into three parts. I doubt future chapters will be as long though

Hope you enjoy! ♡^▽^♡




I stood to the side, fidgeting nervously as a flood of people passed me. The U.A. Entrance Exam was supposed to be commencing soon, but there was no sign of Saika or Teijo anywhere. I thought about the events that took place this morning. The terrible memory caused me to shiver.

"Are you shaking because you're scared or cold?"

I spun around on my heel to face Saika, who was waving gleefully.

"Saika! Why are you acting so casual on an important day!" I stressed, flailing my arms about.

"Geez, you're sounding like Teijo, chill," she paused, "speaking of Teijo, where is he? Isn't he usually the first person to arrive? Also hey, is that your phone that's ringing or mine?"

I pulled out my phone to see Teijo calling me. I answered it, holding my phone up close to my ear, a decision I regretted as a loud voice shouted into it, deafening my poor eardrums.


"I thought we were supposed to wait outside Teijo," Saika hissed in annoyance, plopping herself down next to me.

"I humbly apologise. I'm ashamed to admit I grew impatient waiting outside for you both, so I went inside." Teijo replied from my right.

"When did you even get here?"

"Two hours ago."

Saika smacked her forehead with her palm.

I, meanwhile, was fiddling with the card in my hands, sinking down further into my seat as my other classmates took their places besides Saika, giving me dirty looks. I tried to pay no attention to them. I reminded myself that I had a quirk now, and I deserved to be here as much as the next person. But what if I stuffed up in the exam? What if I injured myself severely? What if Dad lied about the quirk?!  What if I was sitting here with no quirk at all?! What if being here really was a mistake?! What if-

"Welcome students to the U.A. Entrance Exam!" The previously dark stage lit up as a spotlight shone down on someone in the center.

"Oh my gosh, it's the Barrier Hero: Shield! This is too cool!" I beamed, speaking a bit too loudly, earning shushes from both Teijo and Saika.

"As you all know, I'm the most amazing Toshiaki Seki, otherwise known as the spectacular hero, Shield!" he spun around and bowed. Complete silence followed.

"...Please clap."

Everyone started applauding him as he stood up, waving proudly.

"Thank you, thank you! Welcome to the U.A. Entrance Exam! Now, you all are probably not bothered to listen to me, so let's get straight into it shall we? The rules are very simple. Everyone will be required to wear a target somewhere on themselves, and it must be visible and easily accessible to others. Using your quirks you will have to hit the target and-"

"But what if the target breaks?"

"Is there a limit to how many times we get hit?"

"How do we know when we get hit?"

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