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𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒅


"i love that girl with everything though." i sighed, just explaining everything to jahseh. everything that's been going on with aurora and i. i don't even think she realizes.

"i know you do. that's why it's so hard for you to admit that shit ain't been the same." he told me, i nodded my head to show i was listening since i didn't have much to say.

"but you gotta be realistic, maybe she just stressed. i mean, y'all do got elora now." he explained.

"yeah, you right." i admitted, maybe it's me. ion know.

ion think i changed but maybe she think i did. if anything, i love her even more than before. no matter what happens i don't think i could ever stop loving her. i mean, she did have my kid.

"ain't y'all bringing elora to meet auroras parents today?" he asked, "mhm, i gotta pick her up then we going."

she's with adrianna right now. i am kinda avoiding going because i know her dad hates me, her mom probably does. i never even met them properly so i guess today will be a first. well, besides the multiple times her dad almost fucking killed me.

"it'll be fine, you tense as fuck nigga. chill." he chuckled a little and passed me a blunt, i laughed a little and took it from him.


"are you worried or something?" aurora asked me as i got out of the car. as if it wasn't fucking obvious.

"uh, yeah. the fuck?" i said sarcastically and grabbed elora from her. as the days went by she looked more and more like me. atleast everyone knows there ain't no question bout who her dad is-

"you so cute." aurora smiled and looked at me.

"yeah mhm, stop stallin with yo fatass and open the damn door." i joked and started laughing once she rolled her eyes. if her dad try to start somethin with me when my kid in my hands then i will probably end up beating his ass. even if i tried not to.

we walked inside and the energy was tense as fuck. i could tell her dad was lookin at me all weird but that shits just stupid, i wasn't gonna engage in it.

"lemme hold her!!" auroras mom came running down the stairs with a huge smile, which actually lightened my mood a little. her dad was still side eyeing me though.

i handed her to her mom and she smiled. she looked down at her, then up at me.

"i know what you bout to say." i laughed a little, she nodded her head and leaned her head down to kiss her forehead.

aurora walked into the room we were in and smiled at me once she realized her mom seemed happy.

"such a pretty name, elora. it reminds me of yours." her mom said to aurora. i looked down and smiled a little. that shit was my idea so i get credits for it.

"thank him, not me." aurora giggled and reached up to kiss my cheek.

"we can tell he got good taste, he chose you." her mom joked and looked at both of us.

"right?" aurora smiled, but it seemed to fade away once her dad walked in.

"look, i just wanna uh— apologize for how i reacted a while ago." he stepped toward us, aurora stepped back a little so she was against me. i put my arm around her since she seemed scared. i don't blame her.

aurora didn't say anything so i guess i had to. "it's all good, i just don't want none of that negative energy around elora or aurora ya know? i love em to death." i explained, he seemed to chill a little. i was just telling him the truth.

her mom walked off in another room with elora, probably just trying to be safe. she probably knows her husband gotta big ass mouth.

"i do too. i just want everything to be normal between my daughter and i again." he sighed, aurora looked up at him. i could see tears well up in her eyes but she tried to hold them back.

"don't cry babe, it's all good. this what you wanted. he loves you, okay?" i wiped the tears off her face and she nodded her head.

"aurora look, i'm sorry, i was stressed before. you know that." he said, i took my arm off her and she went to hug him. maybe this whats been on her mind.

he looked at me for a while after aurora came back to my side. "you know i used to hate you pretty bad." he chuckled, "but now i respect you. you a lot different than i thought." he reached out his hand to dap me up.

i laughed a little and accepted it, this all i wanted for a while. it was a lot weighing on me before. i never thought the day would come where her dad dapped me up.

auroras mom came back in the room, "is everything good?" she had elora in hella blankets so she looked all protected n shit.

"mhm." i laughed, aurora looked over at them and giggled. i kissed her temple and she turned her head to smile at me.

"lemme just say, elora the opposite of aurora. aurora was a loud ass baby who cried every five minutes." her mom laughed and looked at aurora and i as she said it.

"damn, not much has changed." i joked, knowing it would annoy her.

"i'll beat you the fuck up, shut up" she pushed my shoulder, "mhm. love you too." i smiled.

𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏


i cant even explain the amount of relief i feel right now. i been under a lot of stress and pressure lately, i wanna be a good mom but i also wanna be a good girlfriend. sometimes i feel like i cant handle it all and i break.

michael just makes it all look so easy and i'm not quite sure how. i don't know, he deserves better.

making up with my dad made me feel a lot better though. i guess it was weighing me down more than i thought. he held elora and seemed to just love her, he smiled like i hadn't seen in a while. i guess she just has that effect.

we were all just watching a movie like normal people do i guess. it was nice, it gave me time to think more so than actually watch it.

michael was holding elora like usual, i laid down and leaned into him. "i'm sorry for everything lately." i let out, quietly.

"whatchu talking about?" he asked, looking at me confusedly. he knew exactly what i was talking about though.

"the way i been acting, i just — i don't know. i felt like i had too much on my plate. i love you, always." i turned my head to look up at him, he smiled at me a little.

he leaned down and pecked my lips, then held my face with his hand. "i love you too ight? now watch the damn movie and stop thinking. i can read yo damn mind." he looked back up and i giggled a little.

i just want elora to have a normal life, with everyone in her family being in her life. michael and i both know how that feels to not have someone. i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

"and you still staring at me, look at the damn screen."

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