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𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏


"i'm homeeee!" i walked back into my house, it was 5pm when we landed back in atlanta, so i'm assuming it's around 6:30 now, considering we had to get our bags from baggage claim, find a way to get home, and then finally getting home.

i saw my mom in the kitchen doing something, i wasn't sure, but my dad was just sitting at the table. i dragged my suitcase upstairs, and instantly dropped it by my door once i got in my room. gabby and deja were sitting on the floor eating takis.

"what's up girl? you have fun?" gabby asked as if everything was fine between us, i wasn't really the dramatic type so i just let it go. "yeah, it was fun." i sat down beside them, "well if it's okay with you, i think kentrell might come over." deja said, i nodded my head, i just wanted to chill though. but, if she wanted him to come over, that's fine i guess.

"soooo, what did y'all do?" gabby asked, putting her phone down to focus on me. "long story short, i almost got shot by some weird ass nigga, and i ended up in the hospital, but besides that it was really fun." i said as if it was a normal thing that happened to everyone.

"where was trippie? the fuck?" deja snapped her head up once she heard what happened, i laughed a little, "it's really not a big deal, but it was kinda my fault anyway. trippie told me to stay at the hotel because some shit was going down with jahmier, but i ended up going anyway." i explained, deja just looked at me like i was saying complete bullshit.

"mhm, trippie shoulda killed his ass on sight. what that nigga even look like?" gabby disputed, i don't know why they even care, but there's nothing i have to hide anyway. "he just looked like a normal wannabe rap nigga, gay ass detroit area code tatted on his forehead." gabby and deja both rolled their eyes.

"of course it's a detroit nigga." deja noted, shaking her head. "well, your nails look good." gabby grabbed my hand, trying to change the subject, "pink as usual." she added, i nodded my head, but then i remembered something else i had to tell them.

"oh guess what, so y'all know jahmier right?" i questioned, they both nodded their head as an answer. "well, he been talking to this girl adrianna, she's super cool lemme just tell y'all." i paused, "wait, hold up." deja put out her her hand.

"you're telling me that nigga has a whole girl pretty much?" she inquired, "well yeah pretty much. he's just too stupid to realize." i shrugged, not knowing what she was getting at.

"then tell me why that nigga was hitting on gabby, weird ass nigga bruh." she shook her head and rolled her eyes, i nodded my head, "i know, but that doesn't even surprise me. he literally picks up girls in front of her." i explained, gabby and deja just looked disgusted.

"she's taken charges for him and stuff too. like that girl forreal rides for him. but he apologized yesterday, and they already back to being cool. she gonna get her heart broken." i said truthfully, i don't know if jahmier will ever come around with the way he acts. "i mean, it's a pretty long story, but that's just the basics."

"i mean ion know. i might just stick to hanging out with kentrell, they all a little sketchy to me." deja shrugged, i didn't really understand what she meant, but at the same time i didn't really care, she can do what she wants to do.

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