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_auroraaaa: titties😔 comethazine: yo titties not that big #lol #gettrolled #flat _auroraaaa: @comethazine nigga go away😭 trippieredd: ur homosexual😀 trippieredd: i'm homosexual for you😀 trippieredd: 😀😃😃😀😀 48adrii: GIRL I MISS U SO MUCH lulshorty.gabby: bestie so fine bruhhhh😍😍 _auroraaaa: @lulshorty.gabby 💕💕💕 view more comments...
"aurora get off yo phone with yo ugly, no hair havin ass." jahmier snatched my phone, tossed it into the grass, and handed me the football, "i'll tackle yo bony ass." nahmir threatened, and signaled for me to throw the ball to him.
"nigga we on the same team." i shrugged and threw the ball to him, "did i ask?" he glared at me, making me laugh and i ran down the grass waiting for stokeley to hurry the fuck up. he runs at the speed of a god damn snail.
"what you lookin at 'rora? sorry that i cant run as fast as you, damn" he complained, and finally was close to the end zone. "why y'all making it easier for this obese ass nigga to score?" trippie complained, since he wasn't on the same team as me.
"really? now i'm just "obese ass nigga"? you act as if you ain't on yo way to my 600 pound life with yo ugly ass." stokeley flipped trippie off and then tried to rip the ball out of my hand.
"first off, i ain't nowhere near as fat as you, you're just exaggerating." trippie gave him a dirty look, "and you the ugly one, ceelo green built ass nigga"
"atleast my balls ain't smell like mildewed laundry nigga, fuck outta here. and if you wanna get technical, ceelo green be lowkey fine so.." stokeley looked over at me to confirm, "you're one to talk, with them dirty ass armpits. you smell like literal ass" i laughed and he rolled his eyes, wanting me to back him up.
"nigga why you care about his ball scent, the only one who should be worried about that is aurora" jahseh gave stokeley a sus look, he just winked and put his hand on his hip, making everyone give him a weird look.
kentrell got sick of them going back and forth, and took the football, declaring that we start the game or he'll be "mad".
kentrell started off with the ball, and threw it to trippie, "bruh why isn't anyone guarding jahseh?" kentrell yelled, basically distracting everyone, so jah took it upon himself to get the ball and then he threw it to me since i was closer to the end zone.
"nigga get off my ass this ain't the NFL." i quickly looked behind me, to see youngboy in a full on sprint, trying to catch up to me with a scary ass smile, until one point he finally did, and tackled me right in front of the end line, making me laugh, but it did hurt a little.