Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there lived a rather ... uh ... charming royal family. The royal family consisted of four people:

The King, age fifty, had a round face with freckles splashed across his face. His thin lips tended to curve into a rather beautiful smile, contrasting his straight, pearl-white teeth. His name was Arnold.

The Queen who was forty-eight years old, looked like she had not aged since twenty-five. Her glossy skin, full lips, slender eyebrows, velvety eyelashes, sea-nymph ears and dainty nose made her a very attractive person to look at. Her name was Ava.

The Princess who was twenty-four years old looked just like her mother. She had thin yet full lips that were always seen as only a beautiful smile and freckles all across her button nose. She was easily the most beautiful woman on earth, being even more beautiful than her ancestor, THE Helen of Troy. Her name was Adalyn.

The Prince who was only sixteen years old was, said by other people not me, not as handsome as his family. He had Viking-gold hair with highlights of red, he probably had the gold hair from his dad and his red hair from his mom. His soft, rounded arch eyebrows complimenting his face. His grey eyes were always aware of his surroundings. His cupid-bow lips oh-so-lovely but sadly unnoticed. His name was Prince Aiden.

The four of them lived in the middle of a colossal country. Oscen. The country was named after King Arnold's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grand-uncle, Oscar.

Most young men of Oscen's population lined up outside the royal palace into the village. Which was approximately twenty-two kilometres (13.67 miles).

The reason for doing so was because King Arnold wanted to find a husband for his daughter and a new king for the country. 

The King, The Queen and The Princess were sitting on their thrones in the Throne Hall. A crowd of hopefuls pressed against the palace gates. As soon as King Arnold said, "Let the men in," the knights opened the gates the men started pouring in, eagerly trying to catch a glance of the beautiful Princess.

All the men that went into the throne room came out through the back of the palace with dejected faces. Princess Adalyn had rejected all the men as they were, rich but not handsome or poor but handsome. Some witty; others dull. A few charming; a few otherwise. No one was the type Adalyn was looking for, Perfect.

Bored, tireless and wanting to behead all the men who dare came to ask her hand in marriage, Adalyn left The Courtroom despite her parents' pleas of not leaving until she saw all her suitors.

Adalyn put on a casual robe to her ankles and left. She went to a quiet forest nearby. She let her thoughts wander as she settled down next to a slow-flowing river. 

"Even if I do get married, which is not going to happen, I promise NOT to provide an heir for my kingdom. What if my child is better-looking than me. No way am I going to let that happen," she muttered.

Adalyn kneeled and looked at her reflection in the water. "Beautiful," she murmured to herself. Just then a handsome voice resonated throughout the entire forest. Adalyn's ears perked up. 

She stood up as if she was possessed and walked towards the sound.

"-It'll be alright. Don't worry, now go," a young man released a sparrow from his hands. Adalyn saw some blood on the grass patch. Ignoring the blood, she moved towards the man taking in every detail of the man.

The man was very very handsome. He had messy white-blonde hair, a really cute face and a pair of round, golden glasses. He looked about twenty. He had a bow slung over his shoulder and a scarf poking out of his pocket.

He looked up and caught Adalyn's crystal, blue eyes. "Hello. Uhh, d-do I know you?" he asked rather shyly. Adalyn opened her mouth to reply but she was so breath taken by his handsomeness she just paused, gazing into his emerald green eyes. Each heartbeat was an eternity.

"Yes. I am Princess Adalyn Of Oscen. I saw you tending to that sparrow a-and would like to invite you to stay at my family's palace," Adalyn said as if she was talking to an old friend.

The man was taken aback at the request of staying at the sacred ground but after a lot of insisting and blushing from Princess Adalyn, he gave in.

After reaching the palace, Adalyn rushed to her father, who was sitting at his throne. She whispered, "Father, that man is who I wish to marry."

King Arnold was surprised at first and then laughed. He looked at the man, who was in obvious confusion and asked. "What is your name, my boy? Tell me a bit about yourself."

"H-his Majesty, the king. I am Leonidas. I don't really know my last name because I was abandoned at a really young age. I was found by an old couple who raised me but they passed away a few years ago. I mostly just travel and do random jobs for a ling," the man, Leonidas said with a shrug.

King Arnold asked his daughter to show him the way to his room. Adalyn giggled and slipped her arm under Leonidas'. With a jump in her step, she ushered Leo to his new temporary room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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