Obikaka ( first kiss )

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This is back when they were kids.

No ones pov

Kakashi was sitting on the ground while laying is head on a huge tree in the forest.

His eyes were closed and you could hear his soft snoring if you listen closely. His face looked so relax along with his body, but of course all good things come to an end.

There were a pair of footsteps coming towards the male.

Kakashi slowly opened his eyes only to see Minato sensei running towards him with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Next thing Kakashi knew the man was right in front of him in a matter of seconds.

"I need you to take care of Obito while me and Rin are busy with missions" Minato said giving the silver haired male a nervous smile.

Kakashi gave him a questioning and suspicious look, but nonetheless he agreed to it. He didn't want that Obito to slow down team missions or anything like that.

"Thank you Kakashi! We'll be back in 3 days tops!" Minato said before suddenly disappearing.

Kakashi was still questioning on why he and Rin couldn't just switch places. I mean both parties would be happier like that. Right?


At Obito's place

There was a loud groan heard from the Uchiha's room as he was too tired and sick for anything. He wasn't even allowed to get up!

Why did this have to happen to him!?

He turned on his side only to be startled by a certain silver head boy.

"AHHHH!" Obito yelled as he quickly moved away to the wall. Why the hell did Kakashi have to scare him like that!?

"Yeesh calm down" Kakashi said as he rolled his eyes.

"W-what are you doing here bakashi!" Obito said pointing accusingly at him.

Once again Kakashi rolled his eyes at the Uchiha.

"Minato and Rin will be gone for 3 days so I was asked to take care of you for the meantime" Kakashi said as he got up and went to the kitchen.

It took a while but Obito had finally processed what Kakashi had just said. He quickly stood up and tried to run out the door.

Sadly, Kakashi had grabbed his shirt collar before he could even turn the knob.

"Minato trusted me with you so just please go back to bed" Kakashi said quietly.

Obito obeyed since Kakashi had said please to him. It was quite rare for him to be polite like that especially to him.

This caused Obito to be in a daze for the next 3 days.


It was morning now and Obito was all better.

He was at the front door properly saying goodbye to Kakashi and thanking him.

Kakashi wanted to show that he was smiling so he slowly took off his mask.

Obito was surprised at how Kakashi trusted him to see his face for the first time. He had to admit though the silver head was beautiful.


Guy was trying to look for his rival Kakashi, so they can spar.

He had remembered that Kakashi was taking care of Obito for the last 3 days. He decided to go check the Uchiha's house just in case.


"N-no problem..." before Kakashi could finish the door opened suddenly. Which made the silver haired boy jump and accidentally kiss the Uchiha.

They both stood there in shock with huge blushes on their face.

"Kakashi! Uh SORRY FOR BOTHERING YOU!" Guy quickly said as slammed the door closed.

After the two got over their shock they both immediately pulled away. It was their first kiss for the both of them.

"B-bye Obito" Kakashi said as he jumped out an open window.

Obito's shocked face turned into a small smile.


Next morning

"Where's Obito and Kakashi?" Rin asked Minato sensei as she looked around the area where they usually meet.

Minato shrugged.

"Guess we'll have to start without them" Minato said.

What they didn't know was that the two were at their homes still thinking about that kiss.

The end.

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