13. Onboard

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'Wait, let me get this straight: the plan is to have him - Dazai -' I pointed at the brunette that had come in the room after being summoned that very same morning ' - tell my mother that he's taking me to see Tokyo as a way to distract me from my father's case? Like, on a date?' The brunette nodded, while Ranpo continued munching on his packet of cookies. The sound of him chewing the crunchy snacks had been highly distracting that morning, making me unable to get a grip of clear and concise thinking. 'Ranpo, please, stop chewing for a second.'

'You're just mad because you want one, too.' he proposed as he looked directly at me 'But as I told you yesterday, I'm not sharing.'

'I don't want nor need a share of your food. Have all the snacks in the world for all I care.'

The bickering continued for a few moments more until we were interrupted by the brunette who stood by the door. 'On second thought, I think Ranpo should be the one asking her - Ah dadadah -' He interrupted as the both of us tried protesting his proposal. 'Wouldn't it be a lot more practical to actually go on a date with someone you actually know and like?'

There was so much wrong with his statement that I began believing whatever came out of his mouth was pure nonsense at this point. One: I refuse to go on a "date" with a man who constantly overdoses on sugar and may suffer a stroke while on public transport - I am not helping him if that was to happen. Two: This is for supposed work, not leisure.

But in the end, and somehow, Ranpo agreed to it. "Orders from the director," Dazai convinced him.

My mother seemed to judge the short male as he stumbled with his words and failed to persuade her to let me go to Tokyo with men who she did not know: 'I don't know if you've figured it out but, right now, what [Y/N] needs is support, not a boyfriend.' she told them, holding my hand and bringing me closer to her. 'Even so, I doubt you'd be her type.'

'That -' I began but stopped myself before I could say any more. I didn't have a type per se... Was I about to defend him because of it?

The exchange went on further, and I was stopped from defending either side: my mum stopped me from listing out excuses as to why I may have wanted to go (they told me admitting that I was going on board of a job was something she'd never accept, so I should leave the truth out it), and Dazai drummed his food on the ground silently every time I tried to provide input - a secretive way to say "Stop.".

'Let's make a deal, then,' Ranpo suggested, adjusting his hat and providing her with a smile. 'I have enough evidence to have your son released from prison. If you let us take your daughter with us, then the agency will present their case to the police and have him freed.' He opened his eyes and let the hue of his emerald eyes become the prominent feature of his face. 'If not, then I suppose we'll have to take her by force.'

'If you had enough evidence as you say you do then he wouldn't have been arrested in the first place. For all I know, you might be the perpetrator.'

Dazai stood in front of Ranpo in a defensive way and held both his hands up in front of his chest in a defeated manner. 'I think pointing fingers won't get us anywhere. Here,' He reached into the pocket of his trousers and brought out the three train tickets he'd presented me with earlier that morning. 'Two for you, and another for a hand-picked bodyguard from the agency.'

She took them and analysed them thoroughly.

'I guess we didn't think much about your situation too. You've just become a widow, that must be difficult for you. Despite that, you put up such a strong persona that we thought we needn't worry about you as much. I apologise on the behalf of the agency,' he continued, bowing his head apologetically. 'Do accept these tickets as an apology from the Detective Agency.'

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