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Carter walks in the house & takes off his suit jacket "Onika baby you home we gotta talk" he calls out & he walks into the kitchen he sees all the food done & he hears heels clicking closer to him & he turns around to see her wearing nothing but a black dress & black heels & his face lights up "You look so amazing beautiful" he tells her as he kisses her softly "Thank you I have to tell you something" she says to him in between kisses "I do too" he keeps kissing her & holds her close to him.

"You go first baby" he says "I think we should eat first" she suggests, they both help themselves & they both say grace before they eat & they both eat "Damn baby you can throw it down in the kitchen" he says trying everything single thing on the table "Thank you Carter but we really have to talk" she say to him "Ok you first" she says to him "No you first" he tells her "Ok Ummm Carter how would you feel about someone else living with us?" She asks & he gives her a face so lost & confused "I don't mind it but it's your grandmother she needs her own room she grabbed my ass & I didn't feel right getting hit on by a old lady it's awkward" he says to her & she laughs "No no my grandma is not gonna living with us its a small person" she says smiling "A small person is gonna live with us where the fuck did you find a midget?" he tells her & she dies laughing "NO OH MY GOD NO a midget is not gonna live with us" she says to him "Baby I'm just kidding but really who is gonna live with us?" He says looking at her "Well this person is the size of baseball right now & we won't see them for a couple months" she says to him & he thinks about it for a minute & he stands up & gives her a sweet passionate kiss "Your having my baby" he tells her "Your gonna be a daddy" she says as he raps her arms around his neck picking her up & kissing her more "I love you so much Onika you don't understand how you make my heart race girl I love you so much" he says to her "I love you so much more then you love me" she says kissing him "You'll be beautiful to me" he tells her "Now what were you gonna tell me?" She asks him "Close your eyes" he tells her as he blindfolds her "Carter what is it im scared" she says smiling "Don't worry baby it's my Valentine's Day gift to you" he tells her he takes her by the hand & walks her outside "Take it off" he tell her & when she takes it off

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