How you meet 🏠🚗☕️

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🧡Mr Orange:
You were going to the station reporting a crime you saw which was armed robbery. Freddy came along and You reported the crime to him. He was very sweet and caring and wanted to make sure you were alright. He thought you were very beautiful.

"What's your name miss?" Freddy said. You replied to him by "My name is Y/N L/N, And you are?" You looked at his name name tag on his uniform that read the name 'Freddy Newandyke', "I see you are Freddy Newandyke." You said to him.
"That's correct!" He smiled "Umm...Mind if I have your number Y/N? Don't worry nothing too personal I just wanted to keep in touch and make you safe." He nervously said. You thought he was really cute when he said that so you decided to go along the lines with him. "Sure you can have my number." He gave you a pen and a small piece of paper to write down you number; as soon as you did that he walked you out of the station and gave you a soft handshake and exchanged friendly glances on your face, your face blushed with different shades of red as you walked back to your car and headed home.

☁️Mr White:
You met Larry at a bar. You were pretty stressed at the moment but Larry had comforted you.

You had a rough day ahead of you. You have a job but it was pretty stressful at the moment. You had too much paperwork to handle it's giving you stress. It was late at night with all this work on your mind you just wanted to calm yourself down. You thought it would be a good idea to go to a bar and have a nice drink so you grabbed your jacket and walked to the nearest bar you could find. You found a bar and walked in and had a seat and waiting fir a bartender to come.

"What would you like dear?" The bartender said. "I would like F/D (favourite drink) please." You said. "Coming right up!" She said. Apart from your job you also haven't been able to sleep properly through the pass few days.

A minute after, the lady brought your drink and you took a sip. It was nice and cold to cool your lips down. You closed your eyes for a few minutes and you soon heard a voice close to you. "Are you alright ma'am?" He said. You looked up to see who it was, it was man who had perfectly combed hair and smelled like strong cologne. He too a seat and sat down with you "is there something wrong? You seem a little upset." You didn't feel like talking at the moment but you didn't want to feel rude "I feel ok thank you" you said "But you seem a little stress ma'am are you sure about it." He answered back "How did you know about how I feel?" You questioned. "Its just the look on your face, I'm not a fan of seeing sad people; what's your name? I'm Larry, Larry Dimmick." You took out his and for a handshake "Y/N Y/L." You shook his hand. "Do you feel ok Y/N? I can drive you back home if you would like?" He offered "How do I know your not a kidnapper?" You giggled "Would a kidnapper ask if you are feeling okay?" He giggled back. You took his offer and he drove you home and asked if you need any help. You said to him you felt okay now and gave him a light kiss on the cheek before you stepped inside your house.

💩Mr Brown:
You went to F/N (friend's name) house and she was introducing you to James and you were playing along with him and getting to know eachother and found out you both had tons in common.

"Y/N!" She cried. You ran to her and gave her a big hug. You haven't visited F/N in along time because she was busy travelling. You both were hugging for a long time outsider her house door and you both stopped to breath for some air.
"I missed you so much F/N!" You said. "I could say the same for you too Y/N! Now I want you to come meet a friend!" She merrily said. You were a bit clueless when she said 'meet a friend' because you were always shy around others.
You were both walking into her backyard and you saw a tall man with short brown hair waiting for you guys to come. "James, this is my BFF Y/N, Y/N this is James, he has been a good friend to me whilst I was travelling."
"Hi" you nervously said to James "Hey there!" He said back "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to make drinks!" Your BFF said as she she wandered back into the house. You both were standing opposite eachother in silence and you thought it was pretty awkward until James decided to speak up. "So, Y/N am I correct? Uh...What's your favourite movie?" "Oh m-my favourite movie is F/M (favourite movie)." You shyly said "Wait what! No way that's my favourite movie too! What about song?" You said that your fav song is F/S (Favourite song). James had also liked that song too. You both kept talking about different stuff and you realised you had lots in common. "What's your fav colour James? Mine is F/C (fav colour)." "I like that colour as well Y/N. But my least favourite colour is brown because that's a lil too close to Shit." (A/N: see what I did there 😂) You both laughed at eachother and then F/N came with the drinks. "I see you both are getting along am I right?" Then she winked at both of the laughing pair and laughed along with them.

💖Mr Pink:
You met Lucas at a small cafe you worked at. You worked as a waitress and he actually gave you a tip-

The gang was sitting at their table eating, drinking and discussing their business. You were at the counter and you could see from far that Mr pink's coffee cup was empty. So you made a refill for him without him even asking and gave it to him at the table then walked away. "Hey lady!" He called, you walked back to him standing waiting for him speak. You saw he had 2 bucks in his hand. "Keep the tip, thanks for the coffee." You smiled then walked away. The gang kept smiling and giggling at Mr Pink. "What!" He furiously said "I think Mr Pink over here has a heart for the little lady!" Laughed Mr White, the others chorused the laughter. "You gave her a tip Mr Pink! You would never do that!" Mr Pink felt embarrassed but stood up for himself "Oh shut up, I'm just tryna be the professional here." The dogs couldn't help but snigger "Oh ok Mr pink, I guess you ARE tryna be 'The Professional' here haha!" Eddie sarcastically said. Mr Pink felt a small rush of pink embarrassment flow across his face. I guess he really is Mr Pink!

💙Nice Guy Eddie
Your dad and Eddie's dad Joe were good old friends with eachother, they decided to reunite together and that is when you met eddie...

"Joe!" Your dad yelled "D/N!" (Your dad's name) what a pleasant surprise." The exchanged eachother handshakes and a firm hug. "I haven't last seen you since jail D/N you old man how are you? Oh and I have seen your daughter has grown up to be a big girl." You and your dad both smiled. Your dad was sent to jail for getting caught stealing at an expensive jewellery shop 2 years ago, your dad hasn't seen Joe since then because he was busy with his business. Joe welcomed both you and your dad inside his office, they were both discussing about criminal acts until Joe decided to shout "Eddie!" Eddie? Who is Eddie? you wondered. You then saw a boy who looked around the same age as you. He had short, brunette, curly hair and light blue eyes. So this must be eddie then? You thought. "Eddie, get your fucking ass down here and meet Y/N!" Yelled his dad, and there he was standing in front of you with a small smile on his face, you smiled back.

💛Mr Blonde:
You met Vic at a park; you were sitting on a bench with your water bottle and F/B (fav book) in your hands then Vic approached to you...

It was a nice day, the sun has been shinning and the breeze of the wind was just perfect. You thought it was a good idea to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and so you did. You put on an outfit you felt comfortable with and grabbed your water bottle and your fav book which was F/B and headed outside to the park. There were not as many people in the park which in fact actually made it better. You found a bench and sat on it and started to read your book.

A few minutes later you saw a tall man with dark hair that was slight curly ,with blue eyes and broad shoulders and he sat down besides you. After the awkward silence he decided to talk. "What ya reading?" He asked. "F/B" you said "sounds interesting." The silence came back between him and you and you kinda felt helpless so you decided to talk to him, "What's your name?" You asked him, he looked back at you "Vic Vega, you?" You answered back "Y/N L/N." "Well nice to meet ya Y/N. Whaddya do for a livin'?" "Excuse me?" "Ya know I meant what do you do in your spare time and stuff." "Well I like to do F/A (fav activity) and other stuff ya know?" You said "Ok Y/N that seems cool. Listen I gotta go do something so I'll see you some other time?" "That sound gine Vic, see you around."

AXCAVAGAGSHSNSN BRO THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC LMAO. I hope i did ok? More preferences coming soon so stick around! ~Lauren

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