part 1

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"STEPH, TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL" my sister sydnie called me from downstairs
"I'M COMMING" I yelled back

I live with my 28 year old sister for like 10 years now, our dad died when I was 3 and our mom left when I was 6.

People bully me at school because I don't have parents
At school was everything the same as always: kids laughing at me.

First period started: math , gosh I hate that subject more then my bully's.
That was a joke.

When class was over Mrs. Smith told me that the headmaster wanted me in his office.

I was walking to his office wondering what my bully's told him that I did.

But my bully's weren't there like usually

There was someone else in there, someone I had never seen before.

The headmaster told me to sit down so I did that.

"Hello Stephanie" Mr. Jones (my uncle that hates me and the headmaster) said.

"Hello" I answered

"So Dominic here is new at this school and I was wondering if you wanted to tour him around"

"I don't really have time for tha-"

"Good, thank you Stephanie, I knew you would be so nice to do that for me"


"Ok, bye!" with that me and Dominic where pushed out of his office

I know this story is like really bad but I hoped you liked it :)

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