part 2

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"Hi I'm Dom" The guy says as we walk out of my uncle's office

"Stephanie" I replied not being in the mood to talk to anybody right now

"So I'm guessing you're gonna tour me aroud this school?" Dom said wanting to talk to me since he didn't know anybody else there

"Mhm" I just answered

"Ehm, do you know where this classroom is?" he asked showing me his schedule

"Yeah, it's right there" I said pointing at the door of the classroom

"Ok thank you"

I walked away even though I am in the same class as him.
The bell rang and I waited a while for him to go in first so he wouldn't take a seat next to me.

I walked in class and I saw my perfect bestfriend lily who  gets all the boys and girls best friend. She had everything I only could dream of: a big house, a handsome boyfriend, parents who love her and are alive...

I went to sit next to her when another girl: sabrina thompson , the schools bitch , came up to me

"fuck off jones, I sit here today" she told me
that bitch  really thinks she can do everything

"what no I always sit here" I answered confused about why she wanted to sit next to lily

"Stephanie please let her sit here for today" Mr. Thompson (her dad) said

"thank you daddy" sabrina answered her dad

I just rolled my eyes

The only place left was next to that new stupid boy.
So I went to go sit next to him.

"what was that about" dom asked nicely wanting to know what was going on

"why do you care" I answered anoyed

"ohw I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way"

"I'm sure you do" I whispered so he couldn't hear it

"Why did that brown haired girl called the teacher daddy though, do they have fucking sex or something" he questioned

"No silly, he's her dad" I answered not looking at him


so my chapters are like really short that's because I can upload more chapters, or should I write longer chapters and upload less?

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