part 3

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A few weeks passed and I never really spoke to Dom.

Lily stopped talking to me too, she dumped me for Sabrina.

I felt lonely.

Geography class started while I was still standing by my locker. After a few minutes I decided to finally go to class.

"You're late Jones" Mr. Lawley said anoyed

In the corner of my eye I saw Sabrina and Lily roll there eyes

"We're doing a group project, but since you're late you can team up with mister Haris" He continued

"It's Harrison" Dom said half sleeping

"Yeah that" Mr. Lawley said surprisingly happy. Normally he was always mad at everyone except Sabrina. The whole school know they fuck eachother for good grades.

I sat down next to Dom since there was no other place left to sit.

After class school finished. I wanted to walk home while I felt someone pull my arm.

"Steph wait" I turned around to see Dom

"Who told you you can call me Steph"

"Oh ehm sorry, but we need to work on a fucking geography project right?"

"Oh yeah of course"

"You can come over at my house if you want?"

"Sure why not" I anwered rolling my eyes

"Wassup with you" he said while we were walking to his house

"Am I supposed to laugh doing a project with you"

"Yeah" he walked in front of me and turned aroud. Then he started jumping like a crazy person. "HAPPY, BE FOOKIN' HAPPY" he screemed through the whole neighborhood.

I giggled and smiled at him

"See? that's the smile I wanna see"

"Shut up" I laughed walking past him

maybe working with dom wouldn't be so boring as I thought at first

any ideas for the book?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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