Chapter Seven: Canal Bridge

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Bricks upon bricks. Holding their own weight and levitating. The mechanics amaze me, how can something so heavy hold itself up so high. Especially with all the weight from vehicles and the moisture from the canal and the horrid weather bestowed on us by England. I'm feeling heavier than this bridge and I can barely hold myself up enough to stand, let alone fly. Rippled water reflects the crescent moon and stars twinkle half heartedly. How cold that water must be, but it's so beautiful and still. Looking into the canal water, filthy with rubbish, what looks back is not myself but the disgruntled face of Tabitha. Her hair flows in the water like black vines, not the silky locks she once had. The softness is still tingling my fingers even after all this time. Her clothes are blackened and mouldy like the water surrounding her. Even in this state, her skin gleams in the moonlight and she looks beautiful. My decision was made, I will go through with the plan. First of all, I need to make a quick trip and all will be set into motion.

Harry's house smelt of cigarettes, whiskey and damp. Sections of wallpaper was crumbling away and mould was snuggled into the corners of most rooms. Old furniture lay about with a layer of dust adding to the abandoned look they had. It was so still and quiet. Small blood droplets still stained areas of the grey carpet, the red stood out in the dullness of the surroundings. I crouched down and looked at the area, remembering what Harry said had happened. Easy to contort in my favour. I moved around the house swiftly looking for hiding areas, making sure my hands kept to myself. No one must know I have been here. Upstairs was Harry's room. It was small, like a closet with just a bed and some clothes underneath, no where near enough for a growing child. On the bed was a bunch of books. Perfect. These books weren't ordinary, all had the theme of murders and investigations into murders. It was as though this was meant to be. Above the bed was a light and an air vent on the side of the wall. I put my gloves on and opened it up. Inside, I placed a single item that would make everything fit together like the easiest jigsaw puzzle in the world. After I was done, I headed home. My parents were concerned and being very intrusive as to where I had been. I understood their concern but I didn't need this right now. I needed time to get into the act. Ignoring the pleas of my parents, I went to my room and lay there for a couple days. I didn't eat, wash or anything. The plates piled up of food that my parents had brought in for me. Eventually it was show time. Relief flooded over me as I needed to get this over and done with, the stench of this room was making me feel truly ill. You see, the thing is, I can't let Tabitha's memory be tarnished and the police have found the connection or else they wouldn't have pestered me when Tabitha's body had been found. I may be young but I'm not stupid. This was the only way, I know it's wrong though. The detectives entered the room.

"Could you wake up hunny, it's Detective Halms and Detective Spence here. We've come to ask a few questions if that's okay? I know it's hard since losing your friend but this is super important so it would be great if we could get some cooperation." One of the detectives announced like they were reading lines from a play.

"I know who did it" I mumbled, tears already in my eyes.

"You know who did what? Could you elaborate?"

"I know who killed them" I looked up at the detectives, my heart in my throat as I prepared to utter my next words. It's all over. Finally, it's over.

"I know who killed those missing people." The detectives looked at me in astonishment, their words caught in their shock. Once I had turned away again, I let a few more tears fall before I spoke the name. Dread filled my soul.

"Harry, Harry killed them. And that's not all he's done." Silence fell on us, no taking anything back now.

After taking my statement, a search of Harry's house was conducted once again and they found the bloody knife I had planted in the air vent. It was the only thing they needed before they went to find him. Regret filled me but I had to do it. It was the only way Harry would get the help he needed and it would be best for Tabitha's memory. Knowledge that it was a cruel and unjust act of me didn't make me feel as though I hadn't made the best choice for everyone involved. Maybe I had ruined Harry's life but I was stupid to think I could save him in the first place, it was a hopeless mission. Apparently they found Harry in Reddington but it took a few days as they needed clearance to check CCTV from the train station and they needed to go through hours of footage from when he got on and after he got off the train. Harry did well to last this long on his own. I'm slightly proud of him and I do take some of the credit for this. His resilience is all down to his horrid upbringing though. When they brought him in, he went silent. He didn't speak, even to his lawyer so it was an easy straightforward case really. Nothing he could've said would've changed the decision the judge made on his punishment. Harry was to serve two life sentences and would be in Juvenile prison until he turned 18. This actually went well for Harry as in Juvie he managed to gain skills, qualifications, friends and a much better life than on the outside. Harry also had some therapy for his anger issues. Sadly, about 5 years into his time in proper prison once he'd turned 18 he had made some enemies. Harry came out as gay and this got him beaten almost to death. He ended up dying a few days later as a result of his injuries. Dying at the age of 24, horrible. I liked to keep tabs on him as it was my fault he was serving so much time but he still would've had his whole life spent in prison.

As I stood there, at the mercy of the canal bridge, the wind rushed through my hair and liberated my soul. I took a deep breath in and thanked the heavens that I was alive. From behind me, small hands gripped my legs. Down at my feet behind me was a little girl. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. Who could reject that face? I picked her up and felt her warmth soak into my heart through my chest. 'You wouldn't have existed had everything gone differently' I thought. My little miracle. Her ginger locks flowed down over her shoulders and stray hairs tickled my face. Giggles filled the air, her laugh made me smile so much it hurt. She was mine, my daughter, imagine that! Little Tabitha.

"Let's go home now Tabby cat" I said as we walked back to the car, leaving the canal bridge once and for all. I truly believe that the bridge will stand forever there, strong and filled with stories. Stories that will live on through the centuries, whispered in the wind so quiet that no one can hear. Here is where people's lives are built up and their deaths are documented. Only here will they ever stay, including my own secret. My secret is between me and that bridge.

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