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Chapter 28

Don't tell me that this Derric is my sister's ex-Derric?

"Still looking tall and pretty but with a little attitude now, I see." Derric stated while looking straight at my sister with a little smirk.

"No, you don't." Angela corrected him and added. "Laura, you coming with me or not, I'm getting the hell out of here." She uttered while looking straight at Derric before pivoting and walking out.

I was left standing in front of these boys like a micro mushroom lost in the village of humungous fungus.

"Why is she acting like that?" Derric asked to no one.

"She's facing problems right now that's why she's kinda hot-headed these days." I explained to him while grimacing.

Derric adjusts his glasses and nods his head. "Big problem?"

"Exactly." With my eyes wide open, I said.

"You two have a car?" I shook my head. "Let me go talk to her." He added before leaving, heading to where my sister walked out.

"What's with them?" Kato asked as he place the empty bottle of wine down at the table.

"I don't know, well, I wish you and your sister could stay so you'll see how fun our New Year's like." Jeremiah smiled at me and offers the seat I sat earlier.

"I can stay, but I can't leave my sister alone. She have problems and I don't want to--"

"Look at them, they look like a teenage couple having an LQ." Kato mumbled while looking behind me.

I turn my head to see Derric having some serious talks while my sister is just glaring at him. Yep, that's definitely my sister's ex-Derric.

"I think they were once a couple." I muttered while looking at them.

"Don't worry about your sister, I'm sure Derric has a way to occupy her mind." Jeremiah tried to convince me but I know what kind of problem she's dealing with, so I shook my head.

"No, you don't understand. It's really serious. Maybe I should just go with my sister." I gave him an apologetic smile.

He really look disappointed but managed to smile to me. "Okay, but promise me that you're going to be happy tonight. I'm sure my buddy Blue won't like it if you don't."

When he said Blue's name, I almost want to poop because it's not possible for Blue to think about me. Well I'm thinking about him but... urgg!!! He can't possibly be thinking about me although I'm thinking about him. What am I saying?

"Laura, you okay?" Someone waves a hand in front of my face, it's Jeremiah, I was startled a little.

"I'm fine, pardon me." I chuckled and clutches my bag. "I gotta go get my sister before she explode." I excused and he nods his head.

"Sure, I'll see you when I see you." He bid before give me a kiss on my cheek.

I just wish that I'm not blushing. Letting out a low awkward chuckle, I left them but it didn't help me not to hear what Kato told him.

"Blue will kill you if he knows you're hitting on his little lady."

As if Blue will get mad. And hey! Can't they forget calling me little?

I reached the fighting Derric and Angela at the front gate in just a matter of moments.

"You left me when I'm ready to stay with you, try remembering those moments, Angela." I caught Derric says.

Mr. McLiam In His Suit (IN HIS SUIT SERIES) ✔Where stories live. Discover now