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Countless different worlds reside in countless different Multiverses. It's these worlds that the Deities are meant to guard. It is there duty to maintain balance and keep them from crumbling. Deities are born from the specific need of a some force.

In this case, the growing number of AUs needed a set fate. Fate's presence began repairing the worlds in other Multiverse and keeping them on their course. All Multiverses are effected by each Deity, but they all have their personal 'home' set of AUs. Besides the original Undertale, a Deity can create one other AU. Fate was t entirely happy with this when she received her AU. There was so much more room! Instead of an AU, she poured all her power into a single Monster with the God-like power to create.

"Your name is Ink, child, and your duty is to........"

Ink did not behave as Fate intended. He was a quiet daydreamer, always happier to gaze at the 'stars' in Undertale's Waterfall than to use his gift. Ink could create life and entire worlds of stars, but he didn't. He explored and played and befriended all the other Monsters. Fate was furious. If her child didn't have a reason to create, then she would give him one. Fate ripped out Ink's soul. It took his happiest memories, personality, and his emotions. The Creator was empty. It was an emptiness that he tried desperately to fill by creating more and more worlds. Eventually, Ink would do whatever Fate wanted as long as she would give him a hint of what he lost. Ink's creation caught the interest of other Deities. They could not create new worlds after their two, but they could copy codes from the other Multiverses. Pretty soon, almost all of them had a soulless creator.

This was close to the time that a new, young Deity earned their first Multiverse. This Young Deity protected a force that threatened to topple Fate's game. Their very presence created Error, a God who could destroy AUs. Error appeared even before the Deity claimed their Multiverse, and Fate knew they would only get stronger. The Young one could not remain.........

      When the Deity faded away, Fate was granted their Multiverse to protect. She made sure there was a Creator and Destroyer, just as her game demands.


     He cried and screamed until the screams started screaming back. Whispering didn't work, so Fate created voices to constantly remind him of what he must do. They drove him crazy. The memories of who he used to be were faded and taken away. Without a world, he was just an out code, a glitch, an aBomInAtIon. Error's tears became permanent stains on his face. One day, the voices told him how to leave the Anti-void. They also screamed some more to remind him of his task. When Error got out, he was so angry. Why him? Why was he trapped for so long? Error saw the other worlds and wanted them to suffer for their happiness. He started destroying immediately.

     Error and Ink met shortly after. The Destroyer was in the process of clearing out some space for two AUs that were about to collide. Ink was horrified when he realized it was another God touched being like him that was killing so many. Worse, Error has a soul. Why does the bad guy have a soul? Ink secretly hated Error for this. The two of them fought over and over as the multiverse grew and changed around them. Other lesser gods rose to become witnesses of the struggle.


     Error struggles to remain standing after he dodges another wave of flung paint. He's panting and clutching one arm to his chest. This battle wouldn't of been so bad if he wasn't still healing from the last spat with Ink. The Creator can go running back to his 'friends' to get healed when ever he wants. Error is covered in the scars and cracks from every single blow. He can barley stand. Everyday movement hurts. The Destroyer growls at his own thoughts. His anger at the other worlds had faded with the many years, but he still has a job to do. Why doesn't Ink understand?

     Ink switches tactics and swings his brush like a baseball bat. For some reason, Error isn't being as aggressive as usual. He's staying in the defensive and simply dodging. Ink sees this as an advantage and swings faster. Why does Error do this? Does he find it funny? Ink can't understand it. Not even his vials can help him understand.

     The brush flies forwards with another fast swing. Error reacts too late. His injuries make him slower. The end of the paintbrush slams into his skull with an audible crack. The Destroyer falls to the ground clutching his face. He can't see out of one eye, so the damage must be pretty bad. Ink is shocked that he landed such a blow. Error should have pulled the brush off course with his strings. Still, this is an opportunity to capture Error and finally get some answers.

     Error turns and hisses when he hears Ink stomping forwards and switching paints. Purple for chains. Still on his knees, Error summons a glitching portal to the Anti-void right underneath him. He falls in and away from the Creator. Ink has never chased Error into the Anti-void before, but this time, he's so close. Ink doesn't think. He dives right through the portal before it can close.

      The Destroyer panics when he sees Ink follow. Error tries to scramble to his feet, but to his horror, he can't stand. The damage is too much. With today's injuries on top of the ones from the last battle, his body has finally given out. Now, Fate won't really let him die. She's too cruel for that. Error's soul is usually safe in the Anti-void since there are no other people. He's already died a handful of times. Now, Ink is here.

     "gO aWaY", Error growls, still trying to get up off the ground. His voice is low and distorted. Messages and small 'error' signs glitch all over his body from distress.

     "Why should I! Do you know how many people you've-....... Error?". Ink gets quiet when he realizes something is wrong. Error's managed to get to his knees, one hand still covering the damage to his face. What really alarms Ink is the fine dust that's starting to shed off his enemy's bones. Is Error really dying?

     "i sAiD To go aWAy, SqUid", Error yells again. He has to get away. His soul won't be safe with Ink in the Anti-void. Error tries to surge to his feet, but his legs give out. He falls back to the ground, and before he can catch himself, his visions fails.

     Ink is horrified. One moment Error was screaming an yelling, invincible as ever, and now...... he's just gone. A pile of dust sits at his feet. This time, Ink falls to his knees. He covers his mouth with both hands and just stares. He made sure to drink his vials before fighting, but he feels nothing but guilt. He never meant to kill Error. Ink doesn't even know that this isn't the first time. He's horrified with himself.

     Slowly, Inky realizes that the dust is shifting. Something small rises from the dust to hover gently above the ground. The Creator is shocked frozen. Error's soul is still intact, but it's not pretty. The entire thing is shot through with cracks. The only thing holding the soul together is a mess of strings that look painfully tight. It's not a plain white like so many other Monster souls. It's a mash up of blacks, reds, and yellows just like the owner.

"Error's soul.........", Ink mumbles. It's not broken. There might still be something that Ink can save! He never meant for it to go so far.

Slowly, the God of creation reaches for the soul of his opposite. If Ink had left right there and then, Error would've eventually reformed around his soul in the Anti-void. Ink didn't know that. Surly someone could fix this if he got help? So, Ink gently takes Error's soul into his hands.

A shockwave shutters across the multiverse, alerting the lesser gods that something had gone terribly, horribly wrong.

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