Chapter Eleven

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"Once upon a time, there were two deities named Fate and Destiny".

Every Monster in the room quickly becomes enraptured with Alloy's story. It has a sense of secrecy to it like they were never meant to hear it, and as the story goes on, they learn that they indeed aren't suppose to know. Fate and Destiny created the original of the originals, and then Fate created Ink who gave life to rest of them. Alloy uses his strings and paint as he narrates. He creates figures by shaping his paint and then uses some strings to make them move. Puppets. Alloy never uses Ink and Error's names. Instead, he refers to them as the Creator and Destroyer.

The Creator did not hear Fates warning. The Destroyer paid the price, and was ripped away from his home. They both were incredibly lonely. They both came to, eventually, protect those they cared about. They both have a role to fill. One cannot exist without the other.

     Ink had never talked about his origins before, and Error never could with the strings wrapped tightly around his soul. Even Red begins cool off as he realizes all that has been going on: there is a balance. The Multiverse has a limit. Worlds are always in danger of colliding and creating a domino effect. Alloy explains that all worlds fade but the originals. Fading worlds are unstable, and have a higher risk of shifting and hitting another. The Destroyer must keep this from happening. On the other side, the Creator has to keep the world close to its limit. The Multiverse has become used to supporting so many AUs. The ones that fade have to be replaced to keep everything stable. Alloy ends his explanation with Ink and Error's last battle.

     "......... and the Creator killed the Destroyer, but Gods can't die. The Destroyer's soul did not crack as his body dusted. The Creator, filled with regret p, tried to fix it". Alloy looks up from his puppet show and at the gathered Monsters. He takes a deep breath.

     "My name is Alloy, and I am the God of Balance".

The meeting hall erupts into chaos. The skeletons all yell and shout over one another to be heard. Alloy's story is insane, but not entirely unbelievable. It explains so much. What most can't get over is the fact that Ink and Error have somehow been fused together. Error is hated by most of the Multiverse. Most are worried Alloy will act too much like him. The bad guys are more concerned that Alloy will act too much like Ink. Either one of them could be buried in the struggle. Alloy's also made it clear that he will not allow himself to be split apart.

     "I believe him", a deep voice speaks up. It somehow cuts through the rest of the noise and makes the others shush up. "I mean, that's a pretty elaborate story to make up on the fly. If Alloy represents 'balance', then his personalities ought to be in balance, too". The original of the originals is older even then Ink, although frequent true resets have erased his memories on multiple occasions. Sans is respected almost as much as Ink. His words weigh heavily in the council.

     "Thank you", Alloy smiles. It feels nice to have someone on his side, and not simply tolerating the situation out of respect for Ink or Error. Then, Alloy jerks his head to the right and down, focusing again on something only he can sense.

     "Alloy?", Blue tries to get his attention.

      "'I've goT to go".  Alloy grabs his brush from where it was leaning against the wall.

     "What? You're leaving!? What the hell are we supposed to be doing?", a short and hot tempered skeleton shouts. They remind Alloy of Blue in a weird way.

     "I doN't know. go hOme", Allot shrugs. He uses his brush to rip open a pair of portals. He points to the left one and says, "ThiS wILl take you home", he says to the bad guys. Without another word, Alloy walks straight through the portal on the right.

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