Chapter Ten

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Blue knows it's time to let go when Alloy stiffens up in his arms. He pulls back and tugs on Dream's cape to get him to back off as well. Alloy doesn't freak out since it takes him a moment to slip back into his own self.

"O-Oh I'm nOt very gooD with the toUchinG and-and the holding........". Alloy can feel his skin crawling just knowing that he was being touched. He fiddles with his scarf uncomfortably and twists it around in his hands. Alloy is a little confused. Wasn't he just with Nightmare in his manor? But he smiles when he recognizes Blue and Dream.

"Alloy! It's great to see you! How are you feeling?", Blue smiles back.

     "Well, I don't think NightMare and the otheRs really wanted to hurt me. We fought fOR a little while, but then I don't reMember how it ended...... Did you know Nightmare has a baLlroom! We have to plan a massive party there sometime!". Alloy is delighted at the idea of introducing everyone properly.

"I-I don't think that's necessary", Dream nearly chokes on his words. Alloy claims to have been with his brother, but Dream has a hard time believing that Nightmare would have any tolerance for Alloy. From what Dream has seen, Alloy is extremely childish.

      Alloy suddenly looks up and away from the two. His gaze is unfocused, paying attention to something in the far distance. Dream and Blue instantly recognize that look. Ink could always sense when Error was destroying Aus. "I..... I haVe to leave to Do mY job soon", Alloy mumbles.

      "Oh! Are you a creator? Like Ink?", Dream asks happily, but frowns when Alloy shakes his head.

     "Are you a destroyer? Like Error?", Blue asks quietly, but once again, Alloy shakes his head.

     "CAn you tWo calL a meeting? Like you diD before?", Alloy suddenly turns serious. It's strange to see him lose a bit of the childishness that he's always displayed so far. Alloy isn't a child, but he's been slowly learning these last few days. He doesn't have Ink or Error's memories,but after the two of them were awake for a short time, Alloy has been reminded of his responsibilities.

Seeing this look, Dream is struck by how similar Alloy actually is to Ink. Dream had felt that he was losing his best friend in all of this, and thought the entire multiverse was losing its protector, but Ink isn't really gone after all. Dream will always prefer Ink over Alloy, but he can learn to accept it. It's funny in a way. Alloy is Ink's last creation.

"You can call a meeting yourself using your brush", Blue answers, "But the other might be annoyed with another emergency meeting so soon. We could schedule one, if you want".

"No, I haVe to do IT now. I havE to explain everytHing so thEre are no more misUnderstanDings". Alloy pulls his brush off his back to examine the beacon. It's a small device wrapped just under the bristles of his brush. A small switch lies next to a dead light. Alloy knows what to do. Flipping the switch one way calls for help, and the other direction calls an emergency meeting. Alloy flicks it. Instantly, the beacon begins to beep with a red light. More beacons all across the multiverse come to life to alert their owners.

There's no way to avoid it now. Alloy rips open a portal for the three of them. Dreamtale looks just how Alloy saw it last. The meeting hall is surrounded by a ring of life before everything dies outside the circle. Alloy briefly wonders if it would be okay to swim in the river that passes through, but then he shakes his head. Now is not the time to play. He has to stay focused.

     Their small group is the first to arrive, but as Alloy leads the way to meeting hall, more Monsters are teleporting in. Some immediately notice the skeleton with the ashy gradient. Last time that Alloy was in front of the council, they were all wary and unsure of what he was. Some were openly hostile. Alloy can feel nervousness creeping in, but he tries not to show it. Everything will be okay once he explains it all. With Dream and Blue at his side, the others won't try anything yet.

     The meeting hall consists of three long tables shaped in the form of a triangle. The table opposite the door has a large marker board. Alloy walks around behind that one. Slowly, the originals file into the meeting hall and take a seat. Many stare at the stranger who's standing in Ink's normal spot. They all remember the last meeting and the rumor that Error is controlling their creator. Usually, the Monsters talk and shout among themselves before the meeting. This time, no one speaks. They all quietly sit and wait to hear what has to be said.

"Thank yOu all for coming. I knoW the bEacons cAN be annoying", Alloy finally breaks his stern expression and smiles a little. He looks around the room, and frowns when he doesn't see who he's looking for. "One mOment, please. I haVe to go geT some more guesTs real fast".

Alloy rips open a portal and steps through before anyone can object. The portal doesn't close. Rather, muted voices can be heard for a few minutes. None of the council make a move to interfere. Alloy quickly comes back, smiling happily. Black strings are attached to one of his hands, and Alloy uses them to drag two Monsters behind him. The other three walk through voluntarily. The councils finally breaks its silence in a mess of quiet conversations. The 'bad guys' have never been to a meeting before. Nightmare stands uneasily behind Alloy. Dream is staring him down. The entire council is staring.

"What the hell are they doing here!?", Red spits out, glaring at Alloy and his additions.

"Calm doWn. They're all Originals, and they deServe to hear tHis, too". Alloy remembers now that this is the Monster who gave him that scratch on his arm.

"Calm down!? They're the bad-", Alloy doesn't let Red finish. He snaps his strings off of Killer and Dust before whipping them around at Red. They string him to the ceiling to hang like a Christmas ornament. Strings wrap over his mouth. Red squirms mutely over the rest of the council's heads. Dream gasps is shock and Nightmare chuckles. That is certainly something that Ink would never do.

"AnY moRe objectIons? No?", Alloy asks, "Good. All I wAnt to do is tAlk, but first........", Alloy trails off as he turns his attention away from the council. Again, Blue can't believe it when Alloy pulls out his soul. Alloy isn't concerned. His soul can't be destroyed. Alloy's soul looks a little different then before. The spiderweb of cracks from Error's centuries of torment have healed. The strings are loose enough to sag now. Alloy slips one finger under a thread before yanking it as hard as he can. The pain nearly sends him to the ground. The only reason Blue doesn't try to support him is Alloy's fear of being touched. The council is confused at the strings and more so when Alloy almost falls over, clearly in pain. He tosses the strings to the floor where they quickly disintegrate without a prisoner.

"oKaY. She cAn'T stoP me now", Alloy pants a little before standing up straight, "Once upon a time, there were two deities named Fate and Destiny".

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