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I look around. Silence. No one moves. "But, but Artemis vowed never to have kids!" Peter calls out. "I guess she broke it" Jackson argues with his friend. "I must say, I'm not surprised" Hannah says. It feels to be the center of attention. "Do we even have a place for children of Artemis?" Someone asks. "We have a place for followers of Artemis" Skythe replies. Hmm. So I'm the first daughter of Artemis huh? Cool! A girl with orange hair and freckles stands up. "I'm one of the followers. Follow me to your cabin. I'll show you around while we walk" I follow her slowly. "This is cabin of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades" she points to the heart of the circle. I can tell which is which, considering how different they all are. "That is Hermes and Ares" she points to another two. I take them in. "There's Athena's" Athena's is quite lovely. "Aphrodite's Persephone's and Demeter's" the others. "And the last two are Apollo and-" "And Artemis" I finish for her. "It's amazing to see the only daughter of Artemis, you have a prophecy you know" she says. "Really?" I ask. "Wel yeah! Your only, like, the most rare Demi-god EVER! No one on this earth knows another daughter of Artemis, and no wonder! We never believed the prophecy since Artemis vowed never to have kids... but you know" she looks me head to toe. "Here's the proof" she says. She pulls out a piece of old parchment. "What's this?" I ask, looking at the old piece of paper. "Her vow" she replies. I un scrolled the parchment. Inside, there was a fine printed sentence, followed by a signature. "So, am I some sort of, what, a God outlaw?" I joke. "Oh my god, your right! You ARE an outlaw!" She screeches. "Hey, I was kidding!" I mumble. "Well I'm not! I mean seriously, think about it. Artemis vowed never to have kids right? Which means the other gods surely can't know about this, so you can never go to Olympus" she explains. I gasp in amazement. She was right! "Wait! What if I pretend to come as one of you, you know, her followers" the idea rushes into my head. She looks solemnly at me. "I never caught your name" I quickly change the subject. "Oh, right. I'm Jennifer, daughter of Zeus and follower of Artemis" Jennifer introduces, holding out her hand. I take it slowly. A guy suddenly walks over to us."And, who is this?" I ask as the two of them exchange a hug. "Oh, this is my boyfriend, Zach, son of Hades" Jennifer says happily. Zach smirks at me. "Zach!" Jennifer playfully hits him. He laughs."Should I go..." I begin to back towards the cabin. "Oh no, that's fine" Jennifer says. "No really, I'm tired, and could use some time to think" I walk into the cabin. It looked to different compared to home, or to my new home at least. There were other girls in the room, and I mean, only girls. Rules of Artemis. I mentally slap myself. Duh! An empty bunk waits for me on the other side of the room. I climb up the ladder to the second bed and look out the window to the setting sun. I pull the cover up to my torso and turn on the mini lamp. I pull out my book on Greek, Roman, and Norse gods. Pulling out a pen in my back pocket, I scribble down some notes on the gods. I feel right at home here.I wonder how long I'll stay here. If my dad is worried. Well, there's nothing I can do about it right now. I might as well stay a while. If I have already been here three days, what more could another few do? There are still some people training outside, or still by the fire. It's nice to be near so many people who are like me, who don't exactly fit it with the real world. Now I know why. Because I wasn't meant to be normal. These thoughts followed in my dreams. Suddenly, I was awaken by the sound of a trumpet. I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have late in the night. Most of the other girls were already gone. Jumping out of bed, I run out the door. Everybody is heading for some sort of large gazebo. I follow them. Inside, there are thirteen tables, one for all of the gods and one for the food and plates. At the other side, the is a fire where people are scraping half of they're plate of food into the flame. I knew this tradition. Without hesitation, I grab a plate of food and scrape half in. I find the table for Artemis's followers (and now me). I sit down, spooning some noodles. Jennifer comes to sit down by me. Awkward silence. "So, what do usually do in camp?" I finally ask. "Train. You train until you can't anymore, and if your lucky, you can go on a mission" she replies. I nod. "How long is camp?" I wonder out loud. "All year, you only go home for two months total" Jennifer mumbles. "Do you miss you family?" I ask quietly, incase she didn't want anyone else to hear. "I really do" Jennifer says sadly. "But no matter, it's time to get suited up" she stands up, so I do too. "Wait, what?" But she is already dragging me out to the armory and sizing me for armor. "Why would I need this?" "For capture the flag of course!!" Jennifer says, putting a helmet onto my head. "Capture the what?" "You haven't heard of capture the flag?!?!" She sounds shocked. "Of course I have! I just didn't think you would play capture the flag for training!" I explain. She lets out a laugh. "Oh don't worry, it's nothing like your everyday capture the flag" she chuckles. I adjust the chest plate on my stomach. "How do you guys wear these?" I ask. "Seriously, it's either wear them or get killed" "WHAT??" I say. We walk outside,me here everyone is gathering around Skythe. "Welcome to the seasonal capture the flag! The rules are simple, capture the other teams flag and cross over to your side!" He explains. "Sadie, you will join the blue team" he points to the team with blue feathers on their helmets. I get some feathers attached to mine. Once the team hides the flag, we gather at the center. "Ready? And... START!"

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