Part 14

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Y/N's POV :

It has been a long time, and several things happened. I got to know my dad, who comes by every month now for atleast a week. The baby is also growing really fast, and it is almost time for the baby to come.

I love my belly a lot, but it is huge. The baby is also very active all the time, which can hurt a lot. Peter really loves to touch my belly, and feel our little girl or boy kick. He will be a great dad, I'm sure about it.

"Baby? Wake up." I heard Peter mumble to me, while kissing my cheek softly. "I don't wanna." I groaned, as I kept hugging my pillow tight. "Want breakfast in bed then?" Pan asked, while looking over my shoulder. "Yeah, would be lovely." I chuckled, as I'm just too tired to get out of bed. I have this problem already for weeks, as my feet and back hurt a lot when I stand. Luckily Peter understands, and does whatever he can for me, which I'm really glad about.

My mom will also arrive today on the island, with my sisters and my dad. I also thought Emma, Regina and Snow would come along, but I'm not sure about it. They are here, so they can help me through the labor, which I'm already so nervous about. I heard it will hurt a lot, and you can even get ripped open down there, which I don't want to happen for sure. My family also wanted to be here to meet our baby right away, and not just days after, which I understand. I'm glad I will have mom around, as we haven't seen eachother in a long time.

"Got your breakfast." Pan smiled, while putting it on my lap. "Thanks baby." I smiled, while kissing his cheek. "Not more?" He pouted, acting fake sad. "What do you want then?" I asked chuckling. "Mouth." He pouted, while tapping on his lips. "Fine." I chuckled, while pecking his lips. "Thanks cutie." He winked, while also eating some breakfast himself. "I think the baby will come today." I mumbled random, while eating my delicious breakfast. "Why today?" He chuckled, while sounding a bit nervous.

"I don't know, it just feels like it." I shrugged, while laughing softly because of him. "Atleast we have everything prepared already." Peter smiled weakly, obviously worrying about the labor already. I do want Peter by my side through labor, but I'm not sure if this boy can handle all of it. "Yeah, our baby boy or girl would love it. Especially the play room for sure." I smiled excited, as I'm also really proud of the boys.

They build our threehouse in some weeks, and it looks amazing. The baby room is ready, and full of selfmade stuff, made by the boys. My family also brought some stuff along, like toys and stuff we obviously don't have on Neverland. The baby got a playroom too, for when he or she is older. And me and Pan got a room for ourselves, which I'm really glad about.

"Honest question love, what would the gender be according to you?" Peter asked, while chuckling a bit. "I think a girl, what about you?" I smiled at him, while going through his soft chestnut hair. "A boy, but a girl would be fine too." Peter smiled, while trying to take my hand away. "Let me touch it!" I laughed, while trying to mess his hair up. "No babe, you only tease me." He said, while raising his eyebrow a little. "Ugh fine."

6 hours later

My family arrived some hours ago, and they were all so excited, which I'm not used to at all. We also played some game, about the baby and stuff. It was more like fighting about baby names and genders, but it was fun to watch for sure.

My belly hurts a lot today, more than usual. I'm really wondering if I will give birth today, but I kinda hope so. I waited for so long, and I wanna meet the little one for sure, and so does everyone else here. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Ash asked me, while holding my hand in a friendly way. "Yeah, why?" I asked a bit confused. "You look worried a lot." He smiled weak, while rubbing my hand lightly. "Just thinking about the baby.."

"Maybe we can go for a small walk?" He smiled wide, while already getting up his feet. "Great plan, I need some distraction for sure." I chuckled, while following him into the woods. "So, where are we going?" I smiled, while looking around. "What about the waterfall? I know you love it there." Ash blushed a little, which caused me to laugh. "Fine by me, smartass." I laughed, while nudging him softly.

I sat down at the lake, near the waterfall. I didn't dare to tell Asher, but the pain got worse while we got there. "It's so lovely here." Ash mumbled amazed, while smiling at me. "Yyeah.." I mumbled, trying not to show my pain. "What is wrong?" He asked worried, probably because he heard the pain in my voice. "My belly hurts, that's all.." I smiled weak at him, while rubbing my belly lightly. "Are you in labor??" He asked worried, while I could see him starting to panick already. "No clue, I guess not yet." I shrugged.

"Tell me when the pain gets worse, okay?" He smiled weak, while pulling me in a hug, which I returned ofcourse. "Ofcourse Ashie."

As the time went by, my pain got worse. It wasn't an annoying pain anymore, but a killing one. "Ash? Ccan you please get Pan?" I cried softly, as the pain was unbearable.

"I'm here already! What is going on?" Peter appeared, as he probably heard me calling his name. "I think the baby is coming.."

Part 14! I hope you like this story so far and enjoy reading it!❤️

Xx Melissa

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