Part 6.

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This part is directly after part 5 so read it before you start this one❤️
He stood up right away, clearly mad. "What did you just say!?" Peter asked you furious. "You heard me..." You said while looking away from him. "You wanna go back to get someone to get you pregnant or something?? Are you out of your mind?!" Peter yelled at you. You sighed and looked at him, clearly pissed off and broken at the same time. "Ii just.." You stopped your sentence and looked at your hands. "Just what?!" He said while standing right in front of you. "I just wanted a happy life with you.. together with the lost boys and some kids who would make us even more happy.." You said broken en hopeless. 

Peter sighed hard. "So you think crying babies would make us happy?!" He said clearly not understanding you. "I always wanted kids since I was a kid Peter.. I don't want you to take that dream away from me" You said while tears were rolling down your cheek. You waited for an answer but instead you heard a loud noice. You looked up and saw Peter kicking stuff and throwing with glass. "Peter! Stop it!!" You said clearly scared. He walked over to you and took your chin between his fingers. "Shut up, Mills.. or I will make you!" He said mad and cold.

You stood up and run out of his tent. You were crying loud and saw the boys looking at you. Felix ran to you right away and pulled you in a hug. "Sssh it's okay" Felix said while rubbing your back. You layed your head down on his shoulder and cried as loud as you could. The other boys stood around you two and soon joined the hug. They all pulled back after a minute, and so did you. "Come..." Felix said while leading you to his tent.

He placed you on his bed and put his arms around you. "What happened?" He asked carefully. "He got mad.. because I asked about the aging posion, and told him I wanted a baby and if I didn't want it that I would go to storybrooke and get a baby there with someone else..." You said actually pretty fast. "Wow what?" Felix said while giving you a weird look. "I had to ask him.." You said while looking sad. He nodded and looked at you. "Let me guess.. he got even more mad when you said that to him? About going to storybrooke and getting a kid with someone else?" Felix said to you. "Yeah.. I didn't really mean to say that but I was so mad" You said while you still sobbed a little. "I know.. I know you love him and never want to leave his side.. but he is just so stubborn." Felix said while looking at you. "Yeah.. But I don't know what to do.." You said while staring at your hands again. "Well.. just stay here for today.. okay?" Felix said. "I don't think that talking with him would do a lot right now." Felix said while giving you a nod.

He was right, if you went back right now he would probably get even more angry and that wouldn't really help at the moment. You layed back on Felix his bed and looked at the ceiling. "I have to show you something Y/N.." Felix said while standing up to find something. You got up and walked over to him. "What are you looking for?" You said while looking weird at him. "This!" He said while showing you a bottle with something in it. "Is that a posion?" You asked him while looking at the small bottle in his hands. "Yes, and guess what kind of posion?" He said while giving you a wink. You looked at him in disbelief. "The aging posion??" You asked him. He nodded and smirked a little. "What?? How did you get it?" You asked him curious. "I wanted to use it a while ago, but decided not to." He said while handing you the small bottle.

"Its yours now.." He said while smiling. "Thankyou!" You said while hugging him tight. "But remember Y/N.. Don't use it behind his back.." Felix said while raising his eyebrow. You sighed and looked at the bottle. "He would never let me use it Felix.." You said while getting sad again. "He would.. hopefully soon.. but don't rush him about it honey.." He said while giving you a smile. "Do you really think that he would change his mind about it?" You asked him while biting your lip. "Yeah.. you just have to convince him.. if he sees how much you want it, he would probably change his mind" Felix said while rubbing your arm. You nodded and smiled at him again. "Fingers crossed..."

Part 6! Hopefully write new chapters soon!❤️

Xx Melissa

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