Dude I've never seen anyone playing mid lane like you arewwhandsome
Can we be friends?incognito
Thank you?incognito
Um sure..wwhandsome
And you are even so chill about it?wwhandsome
I've been playing for two years yet I suck like shitwwhandsome
Dude you are seriously something elseincognito
I really don't know what to say at this pointincognito
Stop complimenting me so much, it's just a gameincognito
You aren't bad yourselfwwhandsome
I've died 13 times - _-wwhandsome
What tells you thatincognito
Well everyone has a bad dayywwhandsome
I don't need your pity you knowwwhandsome
You better start training me to be the best like you areincognito
Training you?wwhandsome
That new shjtwwhandsome
Where you have coacheswwhandsome
I want you to be my coachincognito
I don't think I'm a good person for thatwwhandsome
Bitch come onwwhandsome
You slayed the gamrincognito
Did you just call me a bitch?wwhandsome
20 bucks for a game?incognito
No money in this world will make me do itincognito
Find someone elsewwhandsome
30 bucks?incognito
I have loans to pay anyway..wwhandsome
That's more like it babyincognito
You must have a lot of money to offer it that easilyincognito
Just please don't tell me money makes your personalitywwhandsome
Well, everyone has a right to assumewwhandsome
But just because I offered money doesn't mean I'm rich or whatever, my parents are ahahahahahincognito
Everyone thinks it does anyways so what's the point of trying to prove otherwiseincognito
That sucks! I have to go!wwhandsome
You aren't even going to say bye?!--
I guess I've decided to upload this book again since lots of you loved it, I will probably add some new things to each chapter, enjoy!
Make sure to leave your comments!
FanfictionADJECTIVE - (of a person) having one's true identity concealed.