"When I Was A Young Boy"

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I woke up to someone's arms around me... That someone was Frank and I freaked out. 

no no no this can not happen.... This is bad I am falling for him! I can't! We can't! I'm his teacher!

I got up quickly and picked Bandit up shaking Frank. "Frankie Leave! You gotta go! This can't happen" I said freaking out.

"But But Gerard!" He said holding onto me. "No no no It is Mr.Way! I am your teacher" I say frownig.

"but..." Frank said tears in his eyes. "This isn't real... This can not happen..." I whisper leading him to the door.

"See you at school..." I mumble and Frank's tears start to fall. I just wanted to hug him but instead I shut the door.

"Let's get you dressed" I tell Bandit as I dress her and feed her then I get dressed and drop her off at My mother's house. 

"Thank's mom" I say hugging her then leaving for work. Now I'd have to see Frank... I was afraid.


I walked into school tears still stained my hoodie, I walked to Class.

I Kept getting in trouble so I had detention with Mr.Way.... Lovely....

I fantasized for a while about how amazing it would be to be Gerard's lover

"Iero Pay attention" Gerard said snapping me out of my fantasy 

"Uhhh Errr Okay Sir" I say looking him in his eyes winking seductively.

 He frowns and turns away from me which made me sad.

After first period I stayed behind, "Frank... Please go..." Gerard sighs as  I walk to him.

"No... I won't leave you..." I whisper walking closer to him.

"Frankie...." Gerard whispers backing up to the wall. I  put my hands on his cheeks.

"Frankie..." He whispers again. "Shhhh Gee, Don't resist... I will always be here" I whisper leaning closer to him.

I connect my lips to his and after a little bit he kisses back wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm never gonna leave you" I whisper against his lips. "This is wrong..." Gerard whispers to me sadly. 

"I am 18, I graduate in 6 months.... We will be okay" I insist jumping up and wrapping my arm around him.

"Get to class" Gerard says blushing. "Okay Love" I say smiling and pulling him into a quick kiss.


I thought about what Frank said for a while.... I was afraid... Everyone I've ever loved always left.

Lindsey Leaving was the one that hurt most, But if Frankie leaves I'd be broken forever. 

I thought about it all day until the bell rang, I waited for the kids in detention. To my surprise it was only Frank.

"Hey..." I say slumping into my chair as he shuts the door behind him and locks it.

"Frank... Why the hell did you lock it?" I ask as he walks over to me.

"You seem sad" Frank said ignoring my question. "I am always tired" I insist smiling a bit.

Frank jumps on my lap taking me by surprise. "What the hell are you doing" I ask him

"Making you smile" He whispers as he kisses my neck smiling.

"Frankie..." I moan closing my eyes smiling. "Good there is the smile" He says biting my neck.

"mmm...." Is all I could say as he kept biting my neck. "I am gonna leave so many marks" He whispers.

"Make sure I can hide them" I whisper and he grins, "No promising Gee" He says

Mr.Way (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now