28. The Devil Herself

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I turned on my side and faced my sleeping brother, a quiet steter debuted with every other breath he took. So much for not snoring. He was lying on his back with one hand tucked under his head, the other one lazily over his stomach. He looked so peaceful; I needed to change that.

Slowly, I removed the covers from my body, exposing myself to the natural chill that his large room consumed. I neatly made the side that I was sleeping on and walked to his fireplace. It wasn't as grand as the one in Vince's office, but the stone frame made it look dreadfully costly. I unravelled a piece of dental floss that he kept on the ledge, tearing some off with my teeth.

I quickly tied it to his door handle, being careful not to make noises that would wake him up. I strung it through the keyhole and tied it on the other side of the door handle. I stuck the thread on the front of the door, making sure that it was far out of reach; I made sure that the handles couldn't be pushed down from the inside of his room, smiling when I saw how my plan was successful.

They scared me, I will scare them. Everything starts here, with Romeo.

I found a scrap piece of paper on his desk and started to write a note, not in my handwriting.

You are finding this note, realising Alessa is no longer present in your room. I must say, you are a heavy sleeper for someone so attentive; I had no trouble taking your beloved sister. Have fun finding her. An old friend.

I signed it off, smiling mischievously as I slipped it onto his bedside table, on top of his charging phone. I needed help for my plan to work, someone who could keep everyone from going wild. Armani.

The hallways were dissonantly quiet when I found myself in front of Armani's door. I pushed it open, being as quiet as a mouse when I approached his already made bed. I heard noises from the bathroom. He was already awake.

I sat at the edge, not meaning to startle him when he walked back out.

'What are you doing in here?' He asked as he reached the sofa that held his phone.

'I'm tricking everyone else. I need your help.' I justified, leaning back on his bed.

'Pay back for yesterday, I assume.' He remarked, already figuring it out.


'What have you planned?' He took a seat next to me, ready to listen to my plan of action.

'It starts with Romeo; I've left a note on his phone.' I began, showing a photo of the writing on the paper.

'You're making everyone believe that you have been taken?' He raised an eyebrow sceptically.

'You took one of my greatest fears and made a joke out of it, why can't I do the same?' I reasoned; I saw him sigh then nod.

'I am only glad that I'm not being deceived, it's a harsh one.' I could see the small bit of interest dancing in his eyes as I explained further. 'You want me to hide you and keep everyone calm. Correct?'

'Yes, I will probably hide in the library.' I nodded.

'An emergency family meeting will probably transpire; you can knock on the office door and reveal everything.' He began scheming with me. I nodded just as I heard a loud curse coming from a few doors down; banging on the door was also heard from Romeo's room. Armani looked at me, silently asking me to explain why there was so much banging.

'I tied his handles together with dental floss, he can't get out unless someone from the outside lets him out. You better go do that before he kicks the door down.' I laughed as we separated ways, he went in the direction of Romeo's room and I went to the library.

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