36. White and Yellow Roses

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Bouncy mattresses, silky sheets, fluffy- stuffed blankets and a Disney movie with the youngest.

Immediately, we left my place this morning. Saying a hurried goodbye to everyone in the run-down neighbourhood and then getting picked up by my brothers workmen was an experience and a half. Especially in those ends, an expensive luxury like the sleek black cars did not make common appearances.

I almost felt ashamed getting in that car, but my remorse quickly faded once I remembered the generous donation Vince made to the community. Giving out thousands as if it were pocket money. Even though I knew that, quite literally, it was spare change for them.

Even when we were leaving Romano's yesterday, I noticed Michele slipping a small stack of banknotes underneath the payment tray; I knew that they were charitable, but this made me revive hope.

Wally gave me some faux white roses, in an adorable bunch. They were his favourite flowers, and I could never find them. 

Back at the Ritz, one of the most high-end hotel in all of England, maybe even Britain; where only the richest of the rich stay, Rico and I were lying on our stomachs, munching on chocolate and watching a live action Disney film. The white roses in a small vase on the table by the bed. 

The eldest were out with Marcus, running business related errands, meeting with certain people, doing important jobs which required their full attention. We were requested not to bother them today, unless it was an emergency of course.

'I really love this movie.' Rico suddenly spoke up, his chin was resting in the palms of his hands and his elbows on the bed. He was moving his head from one side to the other, humming the tune to the song that was part of the film.

'It's good.' I lied. It was shit. I never under the Disney films and the certain joy obtained from them. I would prefer to stick to movies full of violence and drugs.

Romeo came through the interconnecting door, walking past the bed, ruffling both of our hair as he sauntered by. Rico huffed and I rolled my eyes. He collected his hoodie from the side, since we were in this room, and walked straight back out. 

'Where's Gio?' Rico asked me, turning away from the TV screen for a moment. 

'In his room.' I answered putting another chocolate block in my mouth. 

I checked the time on my phone and almost shrieked in excitement when my eyes trailed to the date. My bank account opened a few days ago, and I had completely forgotten about it.

I sat upright and leaned against the velvet- padded headboard, logging into my account to see what I had saved.

My eyes automatically widened at the 5 digit number. That's so much more than I thought. I could buy all of my brothers Christmas gifts now, I never used to celebrate Christmas regularly. Only exchanged cheap gifts with the people I'm close with. Trying my best to keep the spirit alive.

I could never buy my wealthy family an off branded bag or shoes from a subordinate department store. They had high standards which made this process a whole lot more difficult.

They are not expecting anything from me, so I can't even ask them about their needs and wants.

I opened up my laptop and searched up expensive stuff. Designers, brands, labels, names of people I have never heard of were popping up left, right and centre. I soon had adverts from unheard names in fashion in the corner of my screen. Once again, my curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on the link, sending me straight to the expensive website. 

This was where I found the perfect coat for Vincent. It was an off-black colour, made from cashmere, it would travel down just below his knees and was ultimately very stylish. He had worn many coats in the past, I noticed a significant preference of trench coats, the long kind. 

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