37. Sherlock Holmes

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Sitting next to Rocco in the Mercedes was different to say the least. Even driving down the busy city streets, I saw desiring stares coming in our direction.

At least 2 of the same model car were driving closely behind, making the same turns that Rocco did. They weren't even discreet. 

As soon as we entered the school gates, we caught the attention of teachers and students, casually minding their own business until Rocco's car made its appearance.

Completely unnecessary If you ask me.

'Who approved of your clothes?' He asked me as soon as I stepped out.

'They're not even bad.' I stared down at my leggings and cropped shirt, covered by my leather jacket.

'Zip up your jacket.' He said, hmm, where have I heard those words.

'No, it's fine, I think I look fine.' I argued.

'That's the problem.' He muttered, locking the car.

'I'm going to be sitting next to you the whole time, plus it's dark outside.' I pointed to the black sky, only lit slightly by the moon and street lamps. Then pointed back to my black clothing, only my shirt was a lighter colour.

'se qualcuno ti guarda anche in modo sbagliato ....' He trailed off before I interrupted him. (If anyone even looks at you in the wrong way)

'Calmati.' I grabbed his arm and looked to him meaningfully. (Take it easy)

'Come on.' He moved his head and walked towards the back of the field. We didn't go straight to the bleachers how I expected, instead we went down to the field, where the players were doing their drills.

Rocco stood with his arms folded and leaned against the metal railings, waiting for our brothers to notice us. Xavier was the first to take note of where we were standing.

'Cover up.' Romeo threw his jersey to me, moving his head up and down as he greeted Rocco. I hadn't seen any of them all day, they had been training since very early this morning, before I even woke up.

'I am covered.' I proclaimed, throwing the jersey back to him. He caught it with surprise and raised an eyebrow. Walking up to me with stamina, then throwing the material over my head so that it went all the way down to my thighs. I narrowed my eyes and scoffed, turning around to walk away.

'Where are you going?' Rocco called after me, not sounding too kind.

'The bathroom.' I lied, not turning back. I heard a few sighs, but no one tried to stop me, nor did they come after. I walked through the actual school doors and was met with the dark, empty hallway. It's odd, not seeing the stereotypical high school movie scene that I see everyday, no cliquey jocks or their -just as cliquey- cheerleader girlfriends, no cliché nerds or rushing teachers; only the lone janitor, mopping the floors with his headphones hanging around his neck.

'Good evening.' He bid me as I walked by, then immediately took out his phone.

'Hi.' I replied back, walking into the girls bathroom. I didn't need to go to the toilet, I only wanted to get away from the rowdy crowds. The preppy girls with the bows in their hair were too enthusiastic, especially before the game even started, but admittedly, I did love their uniforms.

'My my, look what we have here. I thought I saw you come in here.' A sinister voice appeared just by the door, I couldn't see because there was a wall blocking the way; definitely not feminine.

'I think you have the wrong bathroom.' I tried my best to hide my fear as I looked up into the mirror, expecting someone to jump up from behind my shoulder.

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