The New Girl

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Gojira sat down quietly, trying to keep his groggily eyes open. The mall incident was pretty strange over the past few days, mostly just Gojira trying to convince his father he didn't know girl. But in his opinion,the past few days were strange as it is. Visions, Glowing Butterflies,Villains,Giant Monsters,and the only thing that keeps him up is the question,What's Next?

Iida: Attention,Home Room Class is About to Begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!

Gojira: we're already sitting,Four Eyes!

Sero:yeah,you're the only one standing.

Iida quickly sat on his desk in embarrassment. And coming through the door was Aizawa but had bandages all over his body. Somewhat looking similar to a mummy.

Aizawa: morning class.

The class had a shocked expression on their faces seeing as he was badly beaten in USJ.

Iida:Mr.Aizawa I am glad you are ok!

Ochako:you call that ok?

Aizawa:my well being is irrelevant. Before we get started we have a new student today.

The class looked intrigued, all except Gojira who was just too tired to care.

Mina:a new student already?

Ojiro: we're not even past a year and we're getting a new student?

Mineta:I hope it's a girl.

Aizawa: quiet all of you...come in and introduce yourself.

Walking in was, to Mineta's expectations,was a girl.

???:Good Morning,my name is Ilene Mosura. It's a pleasure to meet you all!

Gojira:‘Mosura,why does that sound familiar’

He turns around only to recognize the girl.

Gojira:‘wait,those blue eyes,taupe brown lips,silky colored hair,brows that look like moth antenna- THAT'S THE GIRL FROM THE MALL’

Gojira looked in shock at this.

Aizawa:great,now go sit between Gojira and Ochako.

Mosura looked around and spots the table between Uraraka and Goji. She already knew this was her seat since she already Goji. She walked over and sat in the middle of the two. Though Gojira had his face on his desk but his eyes were on Mosura. She turned back to him with a smile and waved. Gojira scoffed and turned back to Aizawa.

Mosura raises and eyebrow.

Ochako:don't mind him,he's always grumpy.

Mosura:ya don't say.

Iida:please pay attention you two.

Aizawa:what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet...

The class paused, thinking of what it could be. Most suggestions were thinking villains.

Aizawa:the UA Sports Festival is about to start.

Kirishima:Yes,let's Go Kick Some A-

Kaminari:wait a second!

Jiro:is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains attacked?

Ojiro: they can attack once we're all in same place.

Mosura blinked a few times before turning to Ochako.

Mosura: whispering there was a villain attack?

Ochako:yeah,it was terrifying until the pro heroes showed up. No body was harmed though.

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