Lucky Dragon

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Soft footsteps filled the same hallway Goji was in before his and Todoroki's fight. The two could be seen walking towards the nurses office. Shoto seemed to be slightly limp while walking down, Gojira made sure to keep an eye on him unless he would fall.

Todoroki:I could've walked myself.

Gojira:oh yeah,well your limps say otherwise. And besides I didn't come to make sure they put a bandaid on your booboo...I came to check up on someone...

They opened the door and find Mosura,who was finally awake, talking to the Recovery Girl. Their conversation was interrupted as they looked to the door to see the two boys.

Recovery Girl:oh dear,you look nearly cooked,young man.

She approached Shoto before forwarding him to the one of the other medical beds. Gojira then turned to Mosura who smiled at him. He tried to smile but apparently couldn't really keep it on for to long.


Mosura: waves hello!

There was an awkward silence after that with Gojira not knowing what to say after.

Mosura:so are you just gonna stand there or come closer?

He did as she said before making no eye contact this time. She looked confused before shrugging his awkwardness off.

Mosura:so,I lost.

Gojira:I saw...are you...ok?

Mosura:oh I'm fine Goji,there's no need to worry.

He crossed his arms before frowning.

Gojira:I wasn't worrying,I knew you were gonna be alright.

Mosura raised a brow with a smug look.

Mosura:oh really,well I guess the recovery girl was lying when she said you came to check up on me earlier.

His eyes widened.

Mosura:along with having a face as if I nearly died?

He then turned to the right scratching the back of his head.

Gojira: I uh...

She then giggles.

Mosura:hehe,it's okay Goji I'm glad you came to check up on me.

He finally looked back at her with a small smile.

Mosura:but I'm fine really,I mean,my wings did get ripped off. But then again it's not the first time that's happened to me before. My wings will be back in only a couple of short hours!

She then made a warm grin which got Gojira to lightly smile as well. He found her calm confidence...cute? Or at least that's what he thinks when he isn't paying attention on what's going on in his head. She then showed her wings that were actually nearly done healing.


The wings disappeared back within her before she looks at Todoroki who was having ice backs put on bruises and burnt marks.

Mosura:sheesh,from what I can see I'd say you won a fight against Shoto, Gojira.

Gojira:yeah,surprisingly wasn't that hard to beat.

Todoroki:you both realize I can hear you right?

The two chuckled before turning their attention back to each other, finally locking eyes.

Gojira:w-well I should get going, I'm going to fight Bakugou in the finals soon.

Mosura:Bakugou huh...? Squints eyes You're not gonna hurt him bad are you?

Lucky Dragon(My Hero Academia Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now