One Weird Day

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It had been a rough and awkward day. The pros had shown up later to take care of the rest of the remaining villains. All Might and the others had made it to the entrance of the USJ where they met up with the pro heroes an the rest of 1A.

All Might:Ms.Yaoyorozu...

Momo turned to be greeted by them.

Momo:A-All Might,is there something you need?

Kirishima:do you think you can make us some pants and a shirt?

Momo had a questionable look.

Momo:I don't seem to understand but very well.

She then pulled out a white t-shirt and some jeans from her stomach and gave it them. Kirishima and All Might move aside to reveal Gojira who was still naked. He grabbed the two and puts both of them on. He grabs at the collar and slightly pulls at it.

Gojira:kind of tight,but thanks.

Momo:I problem I guess.

Momo had a frozen confused look before turning the other way and walking off.

Gojira:can we go home,this already as awkward as it is.

1A was moved out of the USJ, leaving the police and the pros to take care of the inside.

Ochako:Gojira, you're ok!

Gojira jumped to Midoryia,Ochako,Mineta,and Tsuyu hugging him.

Gojira:the hell is happening!?

Tsuyu:we thought you were dead,ribbit.

Gojira: what're you guys talking about?

Midoryia:after you were fighting the villains you didn't get up.

Gojira:I'm pretty sure I was unconscious.

Mineta:no way dude,you didn't move or breath one bit.

Gojira only hums while in thought.

All Might:Young Serizawa...

Gojira turned to see All Might walking towards him, telling by his tone Gojira knew he had something to tell him.

All Might:what you did was back there was heroic but you must understand you're only a hero in training. You should've waited for the pros to show up and-

Gojira:look I'm gonna stop you right there All Might but I just wanted to let you know I saved my classmates,died,and from what I've been hearing turned into a giant monster which let me tell you was a PAINFUL experience,and killed the guy that killed me and nearly killed you. The least you can do is say thanks.

Before All Might could say anything blood drips from his mouth disturbing Gojira.

Gojira:'what the fuck'are you ok?

All Might:I'll let this one go but please try not to do that again.

He then runs off.

Gojira:what was that all about...? Oh come on.

Gojira grumbled in annoyance, realizing his hair was no longer in a pony tail. Instead it was long and curly. Ochako giggles.

Ochako:I don't know,you look beautiful with your hair like that.

Gojira:uh... thanks? But I don't like it this way. Yo Momo!

Momo turns to Gojira.

Momo: is there anything else I can help you with,Gojira?

Gojira:can you do my hair, normally I'd do it but I'm not myself without a mirror.

Momo:I'm sure...

Gojira turns around and let's Momo take care of it. She makes a rubber band from her hand and does his hair into a pony tail.

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