#3 Today's Lesson; Riddikulus!

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It felt good to finally be back at school again, no matter how much I despise it. Honestly, being at home with all these threats hanging over my head was itchy, I just wanted to scratch it.

Fourth year and I still couldn't bare facing defense against the dark arts after I nearly set the classroom on fire. Accidental, of course, but it doesn't make it any easier to face. Our first lesson back we were learning the practical side to removing a boggart. It seems that this year Defence will be with the Gryffindors. Another problem as really, after what happened on the train the last place I really wanted to be was stuck in a classroom with them.
Honestly I was just terrified that if I hung around too long, I'd get caught up in more Gryffindor-Marauder bullshit and that shit was hard to wriggle out of. It was bad enough they were trying to recruit me, now they have even more chance to bug me about it? Wonderful.

A crash, clang and bang signified the teachers entrance. Finally. Professor Biscus was never on time. We'd spend half our lessons worth of time waiting for him.
"Right! What are you all still doing sitting on your behinds?" He blustered," "Get up and get those desks to the sides of the room." And with a billow of his purple cloak, he planted himself at the front of the room, right next to a large, ornate chest as he watched each student scurry to push their desks to the sides of the room.

"Now," he finalised the noise, "you remember the spell I taught you before the summer holidays?" He shoved his hands into his pockets, swaying on his feet as he waited for an answer.

A collective grunt exceeded from the gaggle of students.

Professor Biscus chuckled, before proceeding to go into a recap of the spell;
"Riddikulus. A rather simple charm used to turn a boggart, a creature taking the form of one's most dreaded fear, into a form that that individual finds most amusing. Comical. Something you find funny."

Professor Biscus loved these sort of lessons. Ones involving creatures he could bring in and talk about in such amazing detail that you'd see it as a completely different creature by the time he'd finished. Last year, he talked about the Boggart nearly all lesson. First year he bought in twenty homed in Cornish Pixies for us to study. He'd sat them on the edge of our desks and told us to 'learn their language.' And then begining of Third year, he brought in a large tube full of lake water and weeds, and in it was a Grindylow he had only caught earlier that day. But he would talk about them with such enthusiasm it always made the lessons more interesting, more enjoyable to take part in.

When he got a small hum from a few students, he took it as his answer and he fished inside his robe for his wand. "Right then, no need to dawdle. Form a line infront of the case and we'll waste no time getting on with the demonstration."

To say it was an orderly line would be a lie. Trixy had confidently pulled me up close to the front of the line, infact I was one of the first. James, Sirius , Peter and Remus had all managed to snatch places near the middle of it. It'll be interesting to see what they fear, no doubt. I mean James being so high and mighty, and Sirius unable to get off his high horse there's no doubt these boys wont be untouchable now.

And so the practice began, the first student to go was a Gryffindor. Her fear was dragons. I'm sure we'll be seeing alot of snakes and dragons and spiders during this lesson. Heaving a sigh, I began to sway back and forth to keep myself awake.

"Chin up, Morton." Mattias gripped his hand on my shoulder like a talon. "It'll be your turn soon. We're all riveted to find out your deepest darkest secret." Mattias grinned cockily, earning a slap from Trixy.

"Oh give over Matt. Im sure the last thing on Trin's mind is a measly boggart. Besides it's not as if your boggart will be any better." She stated matter of factly, pushing her curly hair behind her shoulder.
"Oh really? How so?" Matt asked, intrigued at her confidence. Trixy chuckled with triumph, knowing she'd already won this battle.
"Last year, you saw the tiniest of bumblebees and lept behind me, as if I was a human barrier." Yeah, Trix was never gonna let him live that down. I coughed up a laugh at the sour expression on his face, and as Trixy glanced over her shoulder, she too hid a mischievous giggle behind her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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